UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal

328 submissions
# Operations Starred Locked Created Completed Changed User Year update url Headshot (optional) When potential research assistants are reaching out via email, what is your preferred honorific? Primary Research Mentor Name Research Mentor Preferred Pronouns Contact Email (FSU Email if affiliated) Roundtable times and Zoom links Position Title FSU College (if applicable) FSU Department or Non-FSU Organization Affiliation Research Assistant Supervisor (if different from above) Title of the Project Are you currently looking for research assistants? Number of Research Assistants Needed Relevant Research Assistant Major(s) Project Keywords Mentoring Philosophy Mentor Handbook, FAQs, and Communication UROP Performance Evaluation Materials Grant UROP Poster Presentation
Star/flag UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #474 Lock UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #474 Thu, 08/17/2023 - 04:45 PM Thu, 08/17/2023 - 04:45 PM Thu, 08/24/2023 - 11:39 AM Anonymous 2023 https://cre.fsu.edu/urop-research-mentor-project-submission-portal?token=zYRYSfqTEmOc4IzqG-s-QzPtDM29mAXvp5ce7xb2-mc cheetham@eng.famu.fsu.edu Peter Cheetham cheetham@eng.famu.fsu.edu FSU Staff/Campus Partner FAMU-FSU College of Engineering Electrical Engineering High Voltage Engineering Yes 2 Engineering - all disciplines
Communications - We would like to develop videos of experiments for STEM outreach
High Voltage, Electrical Engineering, Zero Emission Aviation I have mentored over 50 undergraduate students in the last 8 years. I am a previous undergraduate researcher myself. We create a supportive environment where students have the opportunity to learn from other undergraduate and graduate students, as well as postdocs and researchers. We implement a "buddy system" to help you get used to the lab environment and ensure you are engaged in fun things. Research is different to classes, so we are not trying to trick or grade you, so plenty of questions and learning from mistakes is strongly encouraged. Yes Yes Yes Yes
Star/flag UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #473 Lock UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #473 Thu, 08/17/2023 - 04:12 PM Thu, 08/17/2023 - 04:38 PM Tue, 09/26/2023 - 01:14 PM Anonymous 2023 https://cre.fsu.edu/urop-research-mentor-project-submission-portal?element_parents=elements/research_mentor_information/headshot_optional_&ajax_form=1&_wrapper_format=drupal_ajax&token=eSmNCg3JeYPkZ2yea3ubw4Y4sqv0ZoxA9bGfzjuC8s4 DuVal in the field.jpg ehduval@bio.fsu.edu Emily DuVal she/her ehduval@bio.fsu.edu Video summary of the project and advising plan: https://youtu.be/QmkdHtfTUcU Faculty Arts and Sciences Florida State University Daniel Gutierrez Sexual selection in the lance-tailed manakin - using machine learning to analyze display variation No 1 computer science, computational biology, statistics, biology, other majors considered birds; behavior; video analysis; machine learning Open communciation is at the heart of my mentoring philosophy. I work with my mentees to customize their research experience to help them achieve their long-term goals, as well as the short-term aims of performing a specific analysis or processing a given piece of data. When something isn't working, I expect that we will discuss and work through it together. All members of my lab, including undergraduates, take full part in weekly lab meetings where we read and disucss articles from the primary literature. All lab members are expect to interact collaboratively, respectfully, and considerately so that we all benefit from the diverse perspectives and experiences that we bring to the table. I expect to learn from you, just as you should expect to learn from me. Yes Yes Yes Yes
Star/flag UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #472 Lock UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #472 Thu, 08/17/2023 - 01:57 PM Thu, 08/17/2023 - 02:26 PM Mon, 09/25/2023 - 03:10 PM Anonymous 2023 https://cre.fsu.edu/urop-research-mentor-project-submission-portal?element_parents=elements/research_mentor_information/headshot_optional_&ajax_form=1&_wrapper_format=drupal_ajax&token=LPa-g9nb-JyGPrY_lznMazXahEg4wa5XRmuCQLUFaeU gordon_head_shot.png Professor Gordon Erlebacher He gerlebacher@fsu.edu Thurs, Sept 7, 11 am - 1 pm
Fri, Sept 8, 10 am - noon, 3 pm - 4 pm.
Zoom link: https://fsu.zoom.us/j/9038137210
Faculty Arts and Sciences Scientific Computing Experiments with large language models No 3 Statistics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Scientific Computing GPT Claude AI tools python My own philosophy of mentoring is having a continuous two-way conversation about the work we are doing. Simply meeting once or twice a week is not sufficient. Good research is frustrating, which can easy lead to the research grinding to a halt. I would expect presentations of the work done over the period of a week, made with Google Slides or equivalent tool. Given that the research involves AI, I would expect the presentations and any written materials to take advantage of the latest AI tools to get more done faster and better. However, I will insist that the assistant be responsible for any content. The AI tools make errors so they should not be taken for granted. I communicate a lot by email, and would like a free-flowing email exchange. I tend to be rather direct, which some people find hard to tolerate. But the more work the assistant accomplishes, the more engage I, as a mentor, become. Yes Yes Yes Yes
Star/flag UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #469 Lock UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #469 Thu, 08/17/2023 - 12:20 PM Thu, 08/17/2023 - 12:36 PM Mon, 10/09/2023 - 06:59 AM Anonymous 2023 https://cre.fsu.edu/urop-research-mentor-project-submission-portal?element_parents=elements/research_mentor_information/headshot_optional_&ajax_form=1&_wrapper_format=drupal_ajax&token=PacudKF3rZcQAPDrDOO-lCbtuE5w1dqxblFMTkHq0hs aejmc presentation with poster_0.jpg Ms., but first name is fine. Sunah Lee She/her/hers slee24@fsu.edu Graduate Student Communication and Information School of Communication Kinky if needy straight if well-off: A qualitative textual analysis of women's hair in ads No 2 Communication, sociology, English, and women's studies—but open to anyone interested in the topic! gender in media, stereotypes of women's appearance, qualitative textual analysis As a mentor, I aim to be a useful resource for my mentees. Understanding that there is not a single mentee who is not special, I want to share the excitement of pursuing knowledge inside and outside academia. One of the most quoted sayings about mentoring tells us not to give one fish but to teach one how to fish. I believe mentoring today, however, should go beyond teaching “how to fish.” Students today live saturated with digital media and information. As such, they come to college already knowing how to find the information they want in digital space: they already know how to fish. Thus, I aim to be a mentor that tells my mentees how to find good fish and how to make delicious dishes out of it. In doing so, I want to share my experiences inside and outside of academia. As a mother of two girls, I will make sure to be an understanding and empathetic mentor.
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Star/flag UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #468 Lock UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #468 Thu, 08/17/2023 - 10:51 AM Fri, 08/18/2023 - 09:26 AM Tue, 10/03/2023 - 08:05 PM Anonymous 2023 https://cre.fsu.edu/urop-research-mentor-project-submission-portal?element_parents=elements/research_mentor_information/headshot_optional_&ajax_form=1&_wrapper_format=drupal_ajax&token=OpCixSSg9qNbMyBGcj7Cn9A4s7Y6_jVLNwRXrH2qpFg 12FD9D0E-EE81-433E-973B-528EDF69546F_1_201_a.jpeg Dr. Veronica Fleury vpfleury@fsu.edu I would like to record a video on zoom and add the video link to my submission: https://fsu.zoom.us/rec/share/00bSwMziwxwFVvdHbcnubTs1ihFkyZJhncNtkhEdgrXML5_5eBix-zLEmE-vYmE.G0n8pOJKaSXDR7kD
Faculty Education Florida State University Peter Marti ***Autism interventions: It may be effective . . .but do they like it? No 3 Open to all majors autism; social validity; intervention; education I strive to create a learning environment in which students respect each other and honor each other’s unique contributions. In operating this way, I am reflecting the values espoused by the special education profession broadly and the culture of this University specifically. In my time at FSU I have found it to be an intellectual environment that encourages all viewpoints to be voiced, as long as they are sincere and considered. We who benefit from such openness are obliged to bring the same culture of mutual regard and collective curiosity to our classrooms and advising. Shaping the future generation of scholars by involving students in research projects is a responsibility I not only accept, but value. Over the past five years, I have supervised over 30 students on my research projects. In our weekly research lab meetings, I am transparent about my research decisions so that students can learn all aspects of the scientific process, including troubleshooting common challenges that arise in applied research. I strive to establish a working environment where all members can be successful. This involves communicating clear expectations in my lab, working with my team members to create feasible goals to accomplish each week, and having a consistent accountability and performance feedback system. Yes Yes Yes Yes
Star/flag UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #467 Lock UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #467 Thu, 08/17/2023 - 10:16 AM Thu, 08/17/2023 - 10:40 AM Thu, 10/05/2023 - 10:00 AM Anonymous 2023 https://cre.fsu.edu/urop-research-mentor-project-submission-portal?element_parents=elements/research_mentor_information/headshot_optional_&ajax_form=1&_wrapper_format=drupal_ajax&token=AWuJgH3xiTu9HT3n6SxOlaFiygOC06ZXbS5a08CWZ58 James Stewart 348A0501_Square.jpg Mr. James Carroll Stewart III He/Him/His jstewart2@fsu.edu Tuesday, September 5th, 12pm-1pm https://fsu.zoom.us/j/2126729548 Graduate Student Social Sciences and Public Policy Political Science Harley Roe ***Gender Quotas and Far-Right Backlash: Evidence From Italy and Other European Countries Yes 1 Italian (Language Skills would be very helpful)
Polish (Language Skills would be very helpful)
Any European Language
Political Science
Open to all majors (the main qualification is enthusiasm)
Radical Right, Italy, Gender Research is an inherently collaborative enterprise. Our mentorship philosophy is largely hands-off. Students who want to be in the UROP program generally are excellent in their fields, and our job isn't to micromanage them. Both Mr. Roe and myself have been in their shoes. We want to emphasize that we're looking for a colleague, not a lackey. Yes Yes Yes Yes
Star/flag UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #466 Lock UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #466 Thu, 08/17/2023 - 08:49 AM Thu, 08/17/2023 - 09:32 AM Fri, 06/07/2024 - 03:54 PM Anonymous 2023 https://cre.fsu.edu/urop-research-mentor-project-submission-portal?element_parents=elements/research_mentor_information/headshot_optional_&ajax_form=1&_wrapper_format=drupal_ajax&token=ahchzIAuzjzrUkQ5JW0nP8PTi5ygsXji7B7JX22UtcY web-image.jpg Jonathan Adams Dr. jladams@fsu.edu All Zoom meetings use the following: https://fsu.zoom.us/j/97124948078
Tuesday (9/5) 13:00; 13:30; 14:00; 14:30; 15:00; 15:30; 16:00
Wednesday (9/6) 13:00; 13:30; 14:00; 14:30; 15:00; 15:30; 16:00
Thursday (9/7) 13:00; 13:30; 14:00; 14:30; 15:00; 15:30; 16:00
Friday (9/8) 13:00; 13:30; 14:00; 14:30; 15:00; 15:30; 16:00
Faculty Communication and Information Information Ben Ravuri (doctoral candidate) MLab AI project-based research No 2 We prefer students who have an ability to code, interest in computer systems, artificial intelligence, or publishing basic research. Machine learning, computer vision, commercialization Teamwork is an important aspect of the lab, collaboration is key.
A Peloton is a small group of professional bicyclists riding together. Peloton teamwork is thrilling to witness. Each rider take a turn at the front of the pack, peddling as hard as possible for as long as they can endure. As they tire, their legs slow, the second rider in the Peloton takes lead and starts to pedal hard, taking the lead. The mass of the riders creates a wind vortex (draft), that follows the pack. As each lead cyclist runs out of energy, their retreat is to the rear, where they can rest, pulled by the draft of the other team members, without any peddling. Each member of the team moves up the Peloton line to become the lead rider and drops back when their best effort is exhausted.
No matter how ambitious (or how strong) a single cyclist might be, one cyclist cannot catch or outrun a collaborative group. In the MLab, we each make a contribution to the work at hand. Sometimes we lead, other times we (the Peloton) support others as they lead. We respect collaboration and team effort.
As a mentor: my role is to help guide your work. We learn more effectively by doing, figuring out what works; Trial and error are expected. I am always ready to guide or assist. The MLab is a safe environment in which mentees feel that is acceptable to fail and learn from their mistakes.
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Star/flag UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #464 Lock UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #464 Wed, 08/16/2023 - 05:32 PM Wed, 08/16/2023 - 06:12 PM Wed, 10/11/2023 - 02:20 PM Anonymous 2023 https://cre.fsu.edu/urop-research-mentor-project-submission-portal?element_parents=elements/research_mentor_information/headshot_optional_&ajax_form=1&_wrapper_format=drupal_ajax&token=NPAHoYls7iMaW82rqLtVcKOO3Hg0ucsT-yd5Q4wLN_k beerli_2020.jpeg Dr Peter Beerli he/him pbeerli@fsu.edu Wednesday, September 6, 1-2pm (https://fsu.zoom.us/j/8299094363, Meeting ID: 829 909 4363) Faculty Arts and Sciences Scientific Computing Simulation testing a software to infer population genetic models using DNA data Yes 2 STEM sciences Coalescent, population genetics, Bayesian inference I would hope that you are honest and hard-working. I hope to give an environment that allows exploration, growth, and, most importantly, has open communication.
I do not expect that you know all details of the project or the programming language when you start the project, but I hope that you will ask about the missing information, and together we will achieve not only the goal of the project but also we will help you to become a student researcher.
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Star/flag UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #462 Lock UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #462 Wed, 08/16/2023 - 04:02 PM Wed, 08/16/2023 - 04:19 PM Fri, 09/15/2023 - 06:41 PM Anonymous 2023 https://cre.fsu.edu/urop-research-mentor-project-submission-portal?element_parents=elements/research_mentor_information/headshot_optional_&ajax_form=1&_wrapper_format=drupal_ajax&token=6wezW3XNr4nRJUku7mvGBpqY9h4AFtwBi9GZpBckkAk Ethan Sarakun He/Him/His ews21@fsu.edu I ran into technical difficulties opening the Zoom. I rescheduled until tomorrow, September 7th, at 6. I will record that interview and post it. I am really sorry for the inconvenience, and I was looking forward to talking with everyone. I hope you can make it tomorrow.

Thursday, September 7th, at 6 PM.


Meeting ID: 795 0307 3827
Passcode: UROP
Graduate Student Social Sciences and Public Policy Public Administration Exploring Challenges Faced by Youth in Pursuing Political Offices No 2 Open to all majors. Democratic Governance, Political Participation, Political Equality People have many goals through UROP this year, and I am willing to be as flexible as possible to ensure that everyone gets to do what they want to do and learn what they want to learn. That can be done if a research assistant wants tasks designed completely for them with little flexibility. However, if the research assistants want more freedom in task design, I will happily accommodate them.

This project is very young, and research assistants have the ability to impact overall project design, something that I do not think is popular among other projects. I am excited to meet everyone that applies and cannot wait to hear everyone's ideas.
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Star/flag UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #463 Lock UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #463 Wed, 08/16/2023 - 03:04 PM Wed, 08/16/2023 - 05:21 PM Wed, 09/27/2023 - 03:40 PM Anonymous 2023 https://cre.fsu.edu/urop-research-mentor-project-submission-portal?element_parents=elements/research_mentor_information/headshot_optional_&ajax_form=1&_wrapper_format=drupal_ajax&token=QdfFxvVBUuXNTWmTOT0ZB2idaayeo0uTI2EzbLZmIBw Headshot 1.jpeg Madeleine Stout She/Her mestout@fsu.edu Tuesday, September 5, 12:00-12:30pm https://fsu.zoom.us/j/91866667368
Wednesday, September 6, 2:30-3:00pm https://fsu.zoom.us/j/95093944901
Thursday, September 7, 3:30-4:00pm https://fsu.zoom.us/j/99683712261
Friday, September 8, 12:30-1:00pm https://fsu.zoom.us/j/94475933933
Graduate Student Arts and Sciences History Cold War Kitsch: How Black Lives Shaped the 20th Century Battle for Ideology No 2 Open to all majors History, Russia, United States, African American, Propaganda As a mentor I believe in serving as a resource to mentees and having open communication through weekly check-ins, but also making myself available in case of emergencies. Being a mentor is not solely about the project getting done, but providing mentees with hands on experience that will help them grow as researchers. I aim to foster an enjoyment for research and validate thoughts and ideas through discussion of historical sources. Mistakes are one of the fastest ways researchers learn, and I don't believe in chastising mentees, but instead working together to adapt to any hiccups that may happen during research. If a mentee feels uncomfortable, excited, or unsure when conducting research I encourage they come to me so we can go over their thoughts. If it is something they are excited about we can talk about how to pursue or follow that interest throughout the project. If my mentees ever feel unsure or stuck I am here to offer reassurances and help workshop through dead ends that often happen when researching. Yes Yes Yes Yes
Star/flag UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #460 Lock UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #460 Wed, 08/16/2023 - 01:45 PM Wed, 08/16/2023 - 01:52 PM Tue, 09/12/2023 - 08:58 AM Anonymous 2023 https://cre.fsu.edu/urop-research-mentor-project-submission-portal?element_parents=elements/research_mentor_information/headshot_optional_&ajax_form=1&_wrapper_format=drupal_ajax&token=uyIuKjXrfl8kY__oKNdiK9opSeMxSy6qJhXjfHBmP78 Headshot.jpg Ms. (Hannah) Noel Robinson She/Her HNR22@fsu.edu Wednesday Sept 6th at 3:00pm to 4:00pm
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 915 089 2031
Graduate Student Arts and Sciences Biology (Ecology and Evolution) Dr. Joel Trexler Exploring the Indirect Effects of Burn Management on Emergent Aquatic Insect Quantity and Quality Yes 2 Open to all majors, with a preference for people interested in field biology. wetland, biological monitoring, aquatic macroinvertebrates As a mentor, I expect my mentees to work independently with confidence once they have mastered the required skills. I expect professionalism in the lab and field. The samples we collect are for adding meaningful information to the scientific community and shortcuts should not be taken in the collection or analytical process. However, as a lab we will still have fun as we navigate the scientific process and experience a variety of events that can happen in the field. As a mentee, you should be self-motivated with an interest in the study. I can help you develop your ideas and options for your end of semester presentation. The complexity is up to you as long as it is within and doesn’t interfere with my study or your assistance in it. The quality of your project and poster will be determined by your effort. I will offer direction as you wish, but will not insist on being over-your-shoulder unless that is what you communicate that you require. Your work as a mentee should benefit both your own growth and the lab's needs. I want to establish an open line of communication where you are free to give feedback and thoughts at all times, so long as the relationship is both respectful and professional. I am looking for someone who is not only dedicated and excited about the science, but also is flexible and independently motivated. Yes Yes Yes Yes
Star/flag UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #461 Lock UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #461 Wed, 08/16/2023 - 01:12 PM Fri, 08/18/2023 - 06:15 PM Sun, 10/01/2023 - 05:45 PM Anonymous 2023 https://cre.fsu.edu/urop-research-mentor-project-submission-portal?element_parents=elements/research_mentor_information/headshot_optional_&ajax_form=1&_wrapper_format=drupal_ajax&token=dNW2R_sRD3j-3Wo_DP2yk7j50j3qkKBLehPOEjYf-Ws FSU Headshot .jpg Students can address me using my first name, Trinity Trinity Johnston She/her/hers tjj16c@fsu.edu Graduate Student Health and Human Sciences Human Development and Family Science Parenting Stress, Mindful Parenting, Well-Being, and Mental Health No 1 Open to all majors, but preference may be given to students majoring in psychology and human development and family science. Stress, Mindfulness, Parents, Well-Being My mentorship style stems from my experience as a graduate research assistant at FSU. My research knowledge began in the classroom where I learned about research methods and statistical procedures, but it was furthered by my connections as a research assistant working alongside faculty to assist with projects. As I transition into a role as mentor, I provide students with experience in research so that they may too receive first-hand knowledge in the research process. I am curious of mentee's goals and talents, and proceed in this relationship by respecting their goals and understanding of research and building on their skills. As I emphasize a working relationship and an interactive environment for learning, I promote mutual respect, inclusion, and equity to support students and this relationship. I am hopeful that I too may learn from working alongside mentees throughout the relationship, so that this connection promotes the professional development of everyone involved. Yes Yes Yes Yes
Star/flag UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #458 Lock UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #458 Wed, 08/16/2023 - 12:16 PM Wed, 08/16/2023 - 12:39 PM Sun, 10/08/2023 - 09:29 PM Anonymous 2023 https://cre.fsu.edu/urop-research-mentor-project-submission-portal?element_parents=elements/research_mentor_information/headshot_optional_&ajax_form=1&_wrapper_format=drupal_ajax&token=plPzr0f_KN3yKWRhpGJQ1luIVKnCBBSUmkA5ODjPj84 OliviaHeadshot.jpg Dr. Olivia Cook She/Her/Hers okc23@fsu.edu Tuesday, Sept. 5th, 3:30pm https://fsu.zoom.us/j/96326364175
Friday, Sept. 8th, 1pm https://fsu.zoom.us/j/93629143267
Zoom Recording from September 8th: https://fsu-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/okc23_fsu_edu/EZwVsxwfRThGlrAjOABYhX0BmEhopU4MJBB4VsrruVwMXw?nav=eyJyZWZlcnJhbEluZm8iOnsicmVmZXJyYWxBcHAiOiJPbmVEcml2ZUZvckJ1c2luZXNzIiwicmVmZXJyYWxBcHBQbGF0Zm9ybSI6IldlYiIsInJlZmVycmFsTW9kZSI6InZpZXciLCJyZWZlcnJhbFZpZXciOiJNeUZpbGVzTGlua0RpcmVjdCJ9fQ&e=1PzQZ0
Post Doc Arts and Sciences Department of Psychology Understanding the Role of Parents and Teachers in Elementary School Children’s Math Achievement No 1 Open to all majors Children; Teachers; Parents; Math; School The origin for much of my mentorship style today stems from my experience as an undergraduate research assistant at an R1 university in the Midwest, similar to FSU. There, I found that connections with my research mentors provided sense of belonging within an otherwise impersonal, large university setting. When I was able to shift from mentee to mentor during my graduate school training at the University of North Carolina – Greensboro, I was motivated to take my role as a mentor very seriously as I mentored students within a minority-serving, R2 undergraduate research setting. Accordingly, my mentorship style today places tenets of diversity, equity, and inclusion at the forefront of my advocacy and support for students.
I consider my mentorship style to be “hands-on” and enjoy cultivating students’ approaches to life-long learning, ultimately serving their professional goals beyond graduation. In the identification of students’ goals, first I ask mentees to reflect upon their own learning objectives. Then, I develop projects for students based on the scope of their goals. Specifically, I have deliberate approaches to mentoring students who may have a clear career path in mind, but also for those who might not know exactly what they want to do when they leave FSU. Finally, one of my motivations to serve as a UROP mentor exists within my own value system surrounding life-long learning. I am eager to learn from my mentees and I view their skills, perspectives, and expertise as the foundation of developmental and social science research.
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Star/flag UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #455 Lock UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #455 Wed, 08/16/2023 - 11:51 AM Wed, 08/16/2023 - 11:51 AM Tue, 09/26/2023 - 12:41 PM Anonymous 2023 https://cre.fsu.edu/urop-research-mentor-project-submission-portal?token=B0fPZ4hOe-5VbXpq563LuZCsgo35bsR3HyAUD7H8hXI Juhee Kim jk18j@fsu.edu Graduate Student Education Educational Psychology & Learning Systems Emotion Regulation Strategies Among Undergraduate Students in STEM No 2 Open to all majors but preferably psychology and education Emotion, Emotion Regulation, STEM, Undergraduate students My approach to mentoring is grounded in fostering holistic growth and cultivating a collaborative learning environment.

I believe that academic and personal development are intertwined. Thus, my approach focuses on equipping mentees with the skills they need for both domains. On the academic side, I provide guidance, resources, and constructive feedback to help them navigate challenges, make informed decisions, and develop a sense of autonomy. On the personal side, I work to cultivate essential life skills, such as critical thinking, effective communication, time management, and resilience. This approach involves setting clear objectives, engaging in both individual and collaborative tasks, encouraging open discussions about challenges, and collaboratively finding solutions as a team. The goal is to prepare mentees not only for academic success but also to thrive in their future careers and broader life experiences.

Additionally, I am dedicated to fostering a collaborative learning environment. This goal is achieved by creating a safe and inclusive space where mentees feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and engaging in meaningful discussions to promote effective collaboration. Simultaneously, I am committed to my own continuous development as an educator and scholar. I actively seek opportunities to refine my mentoring techniques and value feedback from mentees. This collaborative approach enriches the skills of both mentors and mentees, strengthens the learning experience, and fosters a supportive mentor-mentee relationship.
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Star/flag UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #457 Lock UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #457 Wed, 08/16/2023 - 11:38 AM Wed, 08/16/2023 - 12:39 PM Thu, 08/24/2023 - 11:17 AM Anonymous 2023 https://cre.fsu.edu/urop-research-mentor-project-submission-portal?element_parents=elements/research_mentor_information/headshot_optional_&ajax_form=1&_wrapper_format=drupal_ajax&token=qikqb748oNqx45w9KiE4HOUUFzlydsz7OLjfatD6Hf8 Cruz, %22Las Hermanas Teissonniere%22 2016 ,Lugar: calle Buenos Aires, barrio Bélgica, Ponce.png Ms. Estefania Vallejo Santiago She, Her, Hers ev19@my.fsu.edu Graduate Student Fine Arts Florida State University "The Puerto Rican Creole House: Its Role in Memory and Significance in Visual Culture." Yes 2 Art History, Art, Spanish, Anthropology Visual Culture, Puerto Rico, Creole House, Memory, anti-gentrification In my role as a mentor, my objective is to foster the holistic growth of an individual. To achieve this, it's vital to comprehend where you currently stand in terms of intellectual and professional growth, as well as your aspirations for the future. While every individual I guide has unique needs and aspirations, I strive to instill certain core competencies in all—spotting opportunities, cultivating curiosity, accepting flaws, and articulating thoughts effectively. I'll advocate for you to be a commendable follower, yet be brave enough to step up and lead when circumstances demand—irrespective of your standing within any prevailing hierarchy. The academic sphere is a complex blend of highs and lows, revelations and refusals. Being a mentor in such a landscape demands more than just wisdom or smarts; it calls for adaptability, empathy, and introspection. Adaptability, as everyone's journey is distinct; empathy, acknowledging that no one, including me, is without flaws; and introspection, for without self-understanding, truly aiding others becomes challenging. Ultimately, my wish is for those I've mentored to reflect on my influence and recognize their personal growth, and the ways they can pay it forward to others. Yes Yes Yes Yes
Star/flag UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #454 Lock UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #454 Wed, 08/16/2023 - 11:33 AM Wed, 08/16/2023 - 11:33 AM Thu, 10/05/2023 - 12:29 PM Anonymous 2023 https://cre.fsu.edu/urop-research-mentor-project-submission-portal?token=y6KrdPkwcfQIgO0akJEOVWIef8vnvlijtRW0GSm8YAU Maggie You myou@fsu.edu Graduate Student Criminology and Criminal Justice Criminology and Criminal Justice Repeat Victimization and Delinquent Peer Affiliation No 1 Open to all majors, but preference is given to students majoring in criminology and sociology. delinquent peers, victimization, neighborhoods I am passionate about mentoring undergraduate students in the areas of criminology theory, criminal justice policy, research methods, and statistics in criminology. My approach to mentoring is guided by an enthusiasm for connecting curricular content to the real world.

1. The ultimate goal of my mentoring is to help students “think on their feet” (Petress, 2006). I encourage students to build their ability to think critically and independently. Also, I encourage students to develop an academic foundation in critical thinking.

2. My mentoring approach pursues learner-centered mentoring strategies. I encourage students develop their research idea independently and help them to improve their academic skills. I regularly will provide students with affirmative feedback.

3. Last, the most important tenet of my mentoring philosophy is “trust and openness” (Bain, 2004). I will try to build relationships with students based on trust and mutual respect. Students’ diversity and ideas are respected in a supportive environment.
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Star/flag UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #453 Lock UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #453 Wed, 08/16/2023 - 11:06 AM Wed, 08/16/2023 - 11:25 AM Tue, 09/26/2023 - 02:19 PM Anonymous 2023 https://cre.fsu.edu/urop-research-mentor-project-submission-portal?element_parents=elements/research_mentor_information/headshot_optional_&ajax_form=1&_wrapper_format=drupal_ajax&token=qD18ny2d2wBNfooYhUwDGlM7IwpqLTY9N0Juy2-BCrI john corrigan.jpg jcorrigan@fsu.edu John Corrigan jcorrigan@fsu.edu Faculty Arts and Sciences Florida State University Religion and Society No 3 Open to all majors religion; race; gender; sexuality; emotion I want assistants to enhance their capabilities to discover, critically analyze, and narrate aspects of the historical past with regard to religion and culture. Learn the rigors of research, including method and approach to research and scholarly presentation of findings. Develop skills in discussing data and inventing ways to interpret it. Gain experience in formally presenting research. Practice collaboration. Demystify research and publishing. Discover what you care about. Learn how academic researchers produce knowledge. Enjoy the trip. Yes Yes Yes Yes
Star/flag UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #451 Lock UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #451 Tue, 08/15/2023 - 06:09 PM Mon, 08/21/2023 - 02:23 PM Fri, 09/29/2023 - 10:38 AM Anonymous 2023 https://cre.fsu.edu/urop-research-mentor-project-submission-portal?token=VWk7qoeB4B1I2GA_jR_yuxQRi4qpp7TgKNece9Jpta4 Dr. E. Ashby Plant She/Her/Hers plant@psy.fsu.edu Faculty Arts and Sciences Psychology Trisha Dutta Effect of Intellectual Humility on Views about Racial Issues No 2 Ideally Psychology majors, but I am open to Philosophy and Social science majors (especially if you have taken an "Introduction to Psychology" course) Racial Inequality, Intellectual Humility, Justice Sensitivity, Intergroup Motivation As a mentor, I strive to foster a culture of mutual respect and trust, collegiality, inclusivity, and flexibility. I believe that hierarchical relationships might provide short-term gains in terms of compliance and "getting the job done", but it is detrimental in encouraging interest and internal motivation. So, it's important to me to treat you as a colleague, whose ideas and suggestions are valued. Based on your skills and interests (and future career plans), I will be flexible with the responsibility I give you so that you can make the most of your UROP experience. Yes Yes Yes Yes
Star/flag UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #450 Lock UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #450 Tue, 08/15/2023 - 04:06 PM Tue, 08/15/2023 - 04:06 PM Thu, 10/05/2023 - 07:26 PM Anonymous 2023 https://cre.fsu.edu/urop-research-mentor-project-submission-portal?token=ED_FRwnneNYTqrw4eLD5rM6NAHcZEuqNXDDEWv4YOQQ Dr. Jie Chen jc22db@fsu.edu Faculty Nursing Nursing Mindfulness-based meditation for older adults with chronic low back pain based on the gut-brain axis No 2 Open to all majors mindfulness-based meditation, low back pain, gut, brain My mentoring philosophy for an undergraduate research program is centered around fostering a supportive, collaborative, and holistic learning environment that empowers students to become independent researchers while also nurturing their personal and academic growth.

Individualized Guidance: Recognize that each student has unique strengths, interests, and goals. Tailor mentoring strategies to accommodate individual learning styles and paces. Regularly engage in conversations to understand their aspirations, expectations, and any challenges they might be facing.

Skill Development: Emphasize skill development alongside project goals. Provide guidance not only on the technical aspects of research but also on soft skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and time management. These skills are transferable and valuable for their future careers.

Gradual Autonomy: Gradually transition students from supervised work to more independent research. Start with small tasks and gradually increase their responsibilities as they gain confidence and competence. This approach helps build their self-reliance and prepares them for more complex challenges.

Regular Feedback: Provide constructive feedback on their work in a timely manner. Highlight both strengths and areas for improvement. Constructive feedback helps students understand their progress and encourages continuous learning.

Open Communication: Maintain an open and approachable communication channel. Encourage students to share their thoughts, concerns, and questions. Regular check-ins and scheduled meetings can create a safe space for discussions.

Ethical Conduct: Stress the importance of ethical research practices, including proper citation, data integrity, and respecting the work of others. Instill a strong sense of integrity and responsibility in their research endeavors.
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Star/flag UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #449 Lock UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #449 Tue, 08/15/2023 - 03:40 PM Wed, 08/16/2023 - 05:36 PM Tue, 09/26/2023 - 08:25 PM Anonymous 2023 https://cre.fsu.edu/urop-research-mentor-project-submission-portal?token=YOsv1Ft4__xj1zYs3M08nhS1pI4RgcHNqBJCFSBwD9o 2023_08_02_5420 (3).jpg Ms. Jenny Bueno jbueno@fsu.edu Wednesday, Sept. 6 from 4:00-6:00 PM https://fsu.zoom.us/j/95339355312 OR Meeting ID: 953 3935 5312
Friday, Sept. 8 from 12:00-2:00 PM https://fsu.zoom.us/j/95339355312 OR Meeting ID: 953 3935 5312
Graduate Student Social Sciences and Public Policy Geography Remote sensing analysis of wetlands in the Apalachicola Bay region No 1 Geography, GIS, Environmental Science, or related field GIS software, mangroves, oysters, saltmarsh, R software My mentoring philosophy revolves around developing a relationship founded on mutual respect with the understanding of the mentees' goals, both short-term and long-term, while fostering growth through action, experience, and challenges. Yes Yes Yes Yes