UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal

328 submissions
# Operations Starred Locked Created Completed Changed User Year update url Headshot (optional) When potential research assistants are reaching out via email, what is your preferred honorific? Primary Research Mentor Name Research Mentor Preferred Pronouns Contact Email (FSU Email if affiliated) Roundtable times and Zoom links Position Title FSU College (if applicable) FSU Department or Non-FSU Organization Affiliation Research Assistant Supervisor (if different from above) Title of the Project Are you currently looking for research assistants? Number of Research Assistants Needed Relevant Research Assistant Major(s) Project Keywords Mentoring Philosophy Mentor Handbook, FAQs, and Communication UROP Performance Evaluation Materials Grant UROP Poster Presentation
Star/flag UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #425 Lock UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #425 Fri, 08/11/2023 - 04:26 PM Fri, 08/11/2023 - 06:22 PM Tue, 09/05/2023 - 09:41 PM Anonymous 2023 https://cre.fsu.edu/urop-research-mentor-project-submission-portal?element_parents=elements/research_mentor_information/headshot_optional_&ajax_form=1&_wrapper_format=drupal_ajax&token=y67hf-aDH-L8aZvGOhuhlaAdCgW0UxN6hTU_NBB11_8 Screenshot 2023-08-11 162615.png Dr. Geoffrey Strouse He/His strouse@chem.fsu.edu 09/05 - 12pm

09/06 - 12pm

09/07 - 12pm

Faculty Arts and Sciences Chemistry and Biochemistry Catherine Fabiano Understanding the Synthesis and Photophysics of Plasmonic Metal Oxide Nanoparticles Yes 4 Open to all majors. Nanomaterials, Chemistry, Nanotechnology My goal is to lead students to realize their true potential through hands on research experience. With this goal, I hope to help students achieve a deeper understanding of science and the research process after they move on from working in my lab.
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Star/flag UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #423 Lock UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #423 Fri, 08/11/2023 - 03:32 PM Fri, 08/11/2023 - 03:47 PM Wed, 09/06/2023 - 01:58 PM Anonymous 2023 https://cre.fsu.edu/urop-research-mentor-project-submission-portal?element_parents=elements/research_mentor_information/headshot_optional_&ajax_form=1&_wrapper_format=drupal_ajax&token=pcGrNShtBY16iqJKXILmNMkXEsyDD3yzaFSQwcAs_T0 Ilesanmi_Headshot.jpg Mr. Alaba Ilesanmi He/Him/His oai19a@fsu.edu Graduate Student Music Musicology N/A No 1 Open to all majors. N/A As a mentor, I approach every student with deep respect for their perspectives and backgrounds. Diversity enriches our learning experience, and I am committed to fostering an inclusive environment where every student's voice is valued. This perspective enhances the learning journey and promotes mutual understanding and growth.

My core strengths as a mentor are identifying each student's strengths and weaknesses. I recognize that every student possesses a distinct set of talents and challenges. By tailoring my approach to meet each student's specific needs, I effectively guide them toward their goals. Through open communication and active listening, I gain insights into their aspirations and areas of improvement.

Scaffolding is a crucial tool in my mentoring approach. I firmly believe in meeting students where they are in their journey and providing them with the necessary support and resources to bridge the gap between their current state and their desired destination. This involves breaking down complex concepts into manageable steps, offering constructive feedback, and gradually empowering students to take ownership of their learning process. I provide a safe space where mentees can ask questions, make mistakes, and learn from them.

By integrating my respect for individual perspectives, my ability to work with students from diverse backgrounds, and my proficiency in identifying strengths and weaknesses, I create an informative and transformative mentoring experience, helping my mentees realize their potential. I strive to be a mentor who empowers students to confidently progress from where they are to where they want and need to be.
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Star/flag UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #422 Lock UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #422 Fri, 08/11/2023 - 03:14 PM Fri, 08/11/2023 - 03:14 PM Mon, 10/09/2023 - 03:04 PM Anonymous 2023 https://cre.fsu.edu/urop-research-mentor-project-submission-portal?token=gZmqABjnEksUXJ-PhW2sId05z-WrKwGI1k45xLeqUPs Mostafa Ali mmali@fsu.edu Post Doc Health and Human Sciences Nutrition and Integrative Physiology Physical Exercise and Fat Metabolism No 2 - Exercise Physiology
- Biology
- Biochemistry
Exercise, Metabolism, Adipose Tissue, Insulin Resistance I have always found the key element for success is the mentor’s ability to spark students’ curiosity to learn and connect with sources of information and knowledge that help them explore new ideas. Indeed, students should be at the center of the learning experience. The strategies, methods, and approaches to achieve that might -and should- change and evolve, but the focus should always be on the students. In addition, accommodation for college students and their schedules provides better access to learning opportunities and creates effective mentor-mentee communication. To this end, I always seek to improve my mentoring style based on self-evaluation, student evaluation, and peer evaluation. Yes Yes Yes Yes
Star/flag UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #421 Lock UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #421 Fri, 08/11/2023 - 03:05 PM Fri, 08/11/2023 - 03:05 PM Mon, 09/25/2023 - 12:10 PM Anonymous 2023 https://cre.fsu.edu/urop-research-mentor-project-submission-portal?token=XyiR5N4bKzjFzNC0G2wEvuQ5buhKYVn-OJaAWqI2qdI Mr. Nolan Blackford He, Him ndb13b@fsu.edu Graduate Student Arts and Sciences Chemistry and Biochemistry Robert Silvers The Structural Characterization of Lupus Antigen-Related Proteins with Solution-State NMR No 2 Chemistry, Biology or Biochemistry Biochemistry, Laboratory, Chemistry, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Structural Biology As a mentor, my goal is to promote creativity and problem solving skills while sharing a passion for the subject matter. Providing challenges in a supportive environment can help boost confidence as well as teach students what they are really capable of. I want students to feel welcome and comfortable, without the work becoming too mundane or stagnant. As a result, I aim to continuously provide new challenges and opportunities to learn, but at a smooth and steady pace to prevent the work from becoming too daunting or stressful. This, I feel, is the best environment for personal growth. Entering academia in the hard sciences, in my experience, can be extremally intimidating as there are so many incredibly knowledgeable and skilled people. My goal is to clear the path between undergraduate and graduate study and give mentees the skills to make the transition smoothly and with confidence. Yes Yes Yes Yes
Star/flag UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #424 Lock UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #424 Fri, 08/11/2023 - 02:58 PM Fri, 08/11/2023 - 04:56 PM Mon, 09/25/2023 - 02:59 PM Anonymous 2023 https://cre.fsu.edu/urop-research-mentor-project-submission-portal?element_parents=elements/research_mentor_information/headshot_optional_&ajax_form=1&_wrapper_format=drupal_ajax&token=wpP_hO8HLUsbg5QYW6_fppio-gHq5dfgPxvQino8SnA Volunteer Florida Headshot.jpg Mrs. Vashalice Kaaba She/Her/Hers voh09@fsu.edu First Time Slot: Sep 5-8, 2023 (Daily); 5:00 PM - 5:30 PM EST; Zoom Link: https://fsu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0kfuGurTkvH9DJW9gOHtnfo0AN6j8Abywq

Second Time Slot: Sep 5-8, 2023 (Daily); 6:00 PM - 6:30 PM EST; Zoom Link: https://fsu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUod-GgrTsqGdZtOmhC1wQQONeWwzpQYjGC
Graduate Student Communication and Information School of Information Building the 'Library in a Box': Collaborative Learning, Literacy, Technology, and Cultural Exploration – A Call for Undergraduate Innovators No 2 Primary Majors: Information Technology, English Literature, Sociology, Education, Library and Information Science, Literature, Media, and Culture

Secondary Majors: Graphic Design, Open to all majors, but overall must have a love for literature, especially children's literature for multicultural populations.
Literacy, Libraries, Access, Equity, Library, My mentoring philosophy recognizes the unique value of mentorship for undergraduate students from all walks of life, with a particular emphasis on those from underrepresented populations, marginalized communities, and individuals who may face discrimination based on gender, sex, race, or ability. This philosophy acknowledges the indispensable nature of mentorship in nurturing, inspiring, and empowering students in their academic journey, providing them with a sense of belonging and direction.

Understanding the diverse challenges that students may encounter during their undergraduate years, this approach to mentorship is dedicated to providing personalized guidance, encouragement, and shared experiences that resonate with their individual paths.

This philosophy champions mentorship relationships that are adaptable, structured, and responsive, constantly evolving to meet the unique needs and aspirations of each student. These relationships aim to foster confidence, stimulate intellectual curiosity, encourage risk-taking, and facilitate personal and academic growth.

The ultimate goal of this mentoring philosophy is to create an environment of inclusivity, collaboration, and opportunity within the academic community. By recognizing and addressing the specific needs and experiences of undergraduate students, particularly those from underrepresented and marginalized backgrounds, this approach seeks to cultivate a nurturing educational landscape.

Whether guiding students through research projects, academic challenges, or personal development, this philosophy encourages breaking patterns of exclusivity and fostering a sense of empowerment. It is a mission to bridge gaps, build connections, and create a future where every undergraduate student has the chance to thrive, contribute, and make a meaningful impact, regardless of their background or circumstance.
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Star/flag UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #420 Lock UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #420 Fri, 08/11/2023 - 02:01 PM Fri, 08/11/2023 - 02:01 PM Tue, 09/26/2023 - 07:25 PM Anonymous 2023 https://cre.fsu.edu/urop-research-mentor-project-submission-portal?token=1NTtlqjZUfrku1jIa_iQhQdAVyWY_opHzsOJzxAQ0hU Mr. Andre Ivey He/Him avi19a@fsu.edu Monday, Sept. 4 @ 2pm
Graduate Student Social Sciences and Public Policy Sociology Discourse and Identity-Making No 2 Open to all majors Discourse, Identity, Race, Gender, Interview, Qualitative Throughout the years, I strengthened in my qualitative research skills under the supervision of my mentor, Doug Schrock, and other faculty members at FSU, UT Austin, Georgia Southwestern, and Valdosta State. In that time I have been privileged enough to gain ethnographic and interview skills crucial for conducting qualitative and sociological analyses. Such skills are transferrable to qualitative research in both the private and public sectors. Today's world is increasingly focused on social justice and combatting inequality. While quantitative research is important, there are prudent research questions that can only be answered by observing people and listening to what they have to say. My goal is to train the vanguard of qualitative researchers who will promote social justice by studying what people do and say. Yes Yes Yes Yes
Star/flag UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #419 Lock UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #419 Fri, 08/11/2023 - 01:22 PM Fri, 08/11/2023 - 01:50 PM Wed, 10/04/2023 - 09:22 AM Anonymous 2023 https://cre.fsu.edu/urop-research-mentor-project-submission-portal?element_parents=elements/research_mentor_information/headshot_optional_&ajax_form=1&_wrapper_format=drupal_ajax&token=RvHTp-p56I9_-oiM7wPOrT26Wl4qGlvavf8SD5ElZIs Zida Wang -- Headshot.jpeg zw19g@fsu.edu Zida Wang he/him/his zw19g@fsu.edu Graduate Student Fine Arts Museum of Fine Arts and Department of Art Education Hybrid Exhibition Curation and Creation: Inviting Multiple Perspectives to Participate in the Collaborative Curation and Creation Practices No 1 Open to all majors. Collaboration, Co-curation, Participation My mentoring philosophy is rooted in fostering personal and professional growth through collaborative and empowering relationships. I believe each individual possesses unique talents and aspirations, which I strive to nurture.
Goals and Talents: I focus on understanding mentees' goals and evaluating their strengths. This enables me to provide tailored guidance that aligns with their aspirations and builds on their existing capabilities.
Respect and Ownership: I cultivate relationships founded on mutual respect, encouraging open dialogue. I guide mentees to take ownership of their learning journey, promoting accountability and self-directed growth.
Guided Exploration: Rather than providing all answers, I encourage mentees to explore and discover solutions. This cultivates critical thinking and problem-solving skills, fostering independence and confidence.
Shared Experience: I share my experiences to offer practical insights and context. This helps mentees navigate challenges and decisions, making informed choices as they progress.
Interactive Learning: I create an interactive space for discussions and questions, stimulating curiosity and deeper understanding of subjects.
Motivation and Safe Environment: Understanding each mentee's motivation, I tailor guidance to keep them engaged. I create a safe space where failures are embraced as learning opportunities, encouraging resilience.
Challenges and Inquiry: I introduce challenges to spur growth and inspire mentees to inquire, think critically, and seek diverse perspectives.
In total, my mentoring philosophy revolves around empowering mentees to steer their own growth journey. Through respect, shared experiences, and guided exploration, I aim to instill confidence, curiosity, and a lifelong commitment to learning and development.
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Star/flag UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #418 Lock UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #418 Fri, 08/11/2023 - 01:19 PM Fri, 08/11/2023 - 01:48 PM Wed, 08/30/2023 - 08:12 PM Anonymous 2023 https://cre.fsu.edu/urop-research-mentor-project-submission-portal?element_parents=elements/research_mentor_information/headshot_optional_&ajax_form=1&_wrapper_format=drupal_ajax&token=2-L_CzZlhIouUqOZauoGWE1KCoLaO4TNZJUIidweUUc IMG_2352.jpeg Prof. Michal Paul She/her/hers mpaul2@fsu.edu Friday, September 8, from 2:00 pm to 2:30 pm

Graduate Student Education ELPS Alternative Assessment in College Algebra Pilot Study No 2 Education; Sociology; Ed. Psychology (preferred, not required) Mixed Methods; Assessment; Mathematics; Education, Higher Education; Curriculum and Instruction I believe that the mind that does the thinking does the learning. As a mentor I value collaboration, inquiry, band open communication. All participants will be included as authors on any manuscripts developed as part of the study. Yes Yes Yes Yes
Star/flag UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #417 Lock UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #417 Fri, 08/11/2023 - 12:33 PM Fri, 08/11/2023 - 12:55 PM Tue, 08/22/2023 - 09:24 AM Anonymous 2023 https://cre.fsu.edu/urop-research-mentor-project-submission-portal?element_parents=elements/research_mentor_information/headshot_optional_&ajax_form=1&_wrapper_format=drupal_ajax&token=Fn4y3EqAD2AYclMLsvhwKoyEBOmPTAKVSisKj5XosZk Jackie Yong.jpg Mr. Jackie Yong He/Him/His jyong@fsu.edu Graduate Student Music Piano Teaching Piano Literature: A Pedagogical Survey Yes 2 Piano major
Music major
piano, literature, pedagogy As a mentor, I am seeking mentees who are curious to learn and eager to understand things thoroughly from multiple perspectives. I see mentorship as a form of discipleship where we inspired and encouraged one another to be the best version of ourselves and in everything that we do. Yes Yes Yes Yes
Star/flag UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #416 Lock UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #416 Fri, 08/11/2023 - 12:16 PM Fri, 08/11/2023 - 12:53 PM Mon, 09/25/2023 - 02:36 PM Anonymous 2023 https://cre.fsu.edu/urop-research-mentor-project-submission-portal?element_parents=elements/research_mentor_information/headshot_optional_&ajax_form=1&_wrapper_format=drupal_ajax&token=L8FhCms_-qQOzEHe0q_ebFWNgf7c9OkXA_qyCsZIoXY Jing-Headshot.jpeg Cui Jing she/her/hers cjing@fsu.edu Graduate Student Fine Arts Art Education Art Facilitates Community Building No 1 open to all majors. art therapy, community building, wellbeing, international students, Chinese culture Based on a philosophy that combines American Pragmatism and Chinese Wu-wei, I aim to create a psychologically safe environment in which mentees have the freedom to choose between action and nonaction for their learning based on their unique experiences and perspectives. Pragmatist philosophy places a high value on the act of doing as a means of acquiring knowledge, and Chinese Wu-wei involves accepting or acting naturally without external forces or direct interference. Although Wu-wei is literally translated as inactivity or nonaction, it refers to a type of action that appears like nonaction. In this innovative philosophical framework, mentees can have the freedom to choose between acting by the mentor's direction and their own, this choice cannot be reduced to a simple either/or dilemma. Through this open-minded approach, mentees' learning process can be based on their own free will — self-directive. Ultimately, mentees will develop their own way of knowing with resultant positive consequences. This then invites new opportunities for betterment and improvement. Yes Yes Yes Yes
Star/flag UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #415 Lock UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #415 Fri, 08/11/2023 - 10:23 AM Fri, 08/11/2023 - 11:43 AM Fri, 10/06/2023 - 04:44 PM Anonymous 2023 https://cre.fsu.edu/urop-research-mentor-project-submission-portal?element_parents=elements/research_mentor_information/headshot_optional_&ajax_form=1&_wrapper_format=drupal_ajax&token=cF3o3FoKOhFDcHcjMTHMBj8oNHORxGa2GfQPfRW5JEU image006 (002).png Dr. Janae Duclos, Ph.D. jduclosfrancois@fcrr.org https://fsu.zoom.us/my/janaeduclosfrancois
September 5th @ 9:00am or 10:00am whichever works best for the mentee
September 6th @9:00am or 10:00am
Faculty Education FCRR, School of Teacher Education Deidre Gilley ***C3forMe: Enhancing self-determination training for Transition-aged Young Adults with Disabilities Yes 2 open to all majors Transition planning, self-determination training, young adults with disabilities As a mentor, my goal is to create a supportive and empowering environment where individuals can discover their passions, build their capacity, develop their skills and reach their full potential. I believe in the power of active listening and understanding and strive to foster a growth mindset. I encourage my mentees to view challenges as opportunities for learning and personal growth. Together, we will explore ways to overcome obstacles, develop resilience and embrace a lifelong learning mindset. I strive to foster and encourage creativity and innovation through problem solving and hands on learning experiences. Lastly, I strongly believe in the power of positivity and kindness I aim to create a safe and non-judgmental space where mentees feel comfortable expressing themselves and making mistakes. Overall, my mentoring philosophy is centered around empowering others, fostering growth and creativity, and creating a positive and supportive environment for personal and professional development. Yes Yes Yes Yes
Star/flag UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #414 Lock UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #414 Fri, 08/11/2023 - 08:37 AM Fri, 08/11/2023 - 08:37 AM Tue, 08/22/2023 - 09:23 AM Anonymous 2023 https://cre.fsu.edu/urop-research-mentor-project-submission-portal?token=DK_rgMwqlmco_y6DSevZr4vPRIeENMwIIaGxhymc_4s None please Sachin Shanbhag Him/His sshanbhag@fsu.edu Faculty Arts and Sciences Scientific Computing Building Graphical User Interfaces for Python Applications Yes 2 Open to all majors, but should be able to code in python python, GUI, distribute, cross-platform, design The ideal undergraduate research project (i) helps the student learn some valuable new technique/skill that they can add to their toolkit, (ii) has a clear "finish" criterion that is achieveable within the available time-frame, (iii) helps the researcher solve a problem they care about, and (iv) if possible helps the community at large. I think this project has all these elements.

Over time, I've found that mentoring is a calibration exercise, and different strategies work with different projects/students. For this project, I am looking for a student who can take charge. They will be able to watch a Youtube video, adapt and implement it for the project, and discuss options/impediments with the mentor as they arise.
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Star/flag UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #413 Lock UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #413 Fri, 08/11/2023 - 08:03 AM Fri, 08/11/2023 - 08:03 AM Thu, 10/05/2023 - 10:03 AM Anonymous 2023 https://cre.fsu.edu/urop-research-mentor-project-submission-portal?token=9L1idx5DhOMZTCGtIIhjMgGTnNyNXEUtfRTrSqJxi9E Dr. Carl Kitchens ckitchens@fsu.edu Tuesday, Sept. 5th 12:00 - 2:00pm : https://fsu.zoom.us/j/97236250280
I am also available to schedule one on one meetings, please email if interested to schedule.
Faculty Social Sciences and Public Policy Economics Ben Emmich Constructing a Historical Infrastructure Construction Price Index No 4 Economics, Computer Science, Management Information Systems, Open to all majors Optical character recognition, machine learning, microfilm, data encoding While mentoring, I meet with students regularly to discuss their long run goals and try to provide insight as to how to prepare them. This advice is especially aimed at students who may have an interest in graduate school. My goal is also to always provide the broader picture of where the student's task fits in, as the project may take several years to complete for the broader research team. Yes Yes Yes Yes
Star/flag UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #412 Lock UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #412 Thu, 08/10/2023 - 05:26 PM Thu, 08/10/2023 - 05:52 PM Thu, 10/05/2023 - 12:17 PM Anonymous 2023 https://cre.fsu.edu/urop-research-mentor-project-submission-portal?element_parents=elements/research_mentor_information/headshot_optional_&ajax_form=1&_wrapper_format=drupal_ajax&token=btb0VfQXGKrz3yGqoMBdW0Caq10FOr9pipr38G6G2Qo DSC_0276-hs.jpeg Dr. Jayasankar Chempampadam Balasubramannian jcb@fsu.edu Friday, September 8, 1.15 pm to 1.45 pm EST.
Zoom link is, https://fsu.zoom.us/j/4296397708
Post Doc Applied Studies Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies (COAPS) Assessing Future Heat Wave Patterns in India: Insights from a High-Resolution Regional Climate Model No 1 Meteorology, Oceanography, Maths, Physics, Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering heatwaves, climate change, global warming, climate model, temperature extremes In my role as a mentor, I hope to provide guidance, share insights, open communication, continuous learning, and offer constructive feedback. I view mentoring as an opportunity to support skill acquisition which is useful for career development. Yes Yes Yes Yes
Star/flag UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #410 Lock UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #410 Thu, 08/10/2023 - 05:11 PM Thu, 08/10/2023 - 05:11 PM Thu, 10/19/2023 - 10:06 AM Anonymous 2023 https://cre.fsu.edu/urop-research-mentor-project-submission-portal?token=dXj7Hyi3xzKQ2XrQOZdDlqrSCD6gFaoCXdcByWu55Fc Daniel Machin dmachin@fsu.edu Faculty Health and Human Sciences FSU Age-Related Arterial Dysfunction No 6 Open to all majors Arteries endothelium blood pressure Down syndrome My primary goal as a mentor is to provide a foundation and structure for students to develop into independent researchers. The cornerstone of a successful mentor-mentee relationship is to develop a strategy that aligns the research interests, career goals, and innovative ideas of each mentee with my goals as a researcher. Each mentee is different and some may come from diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Therefore, aligning expectations must be done on an individual basis to account for these factors. I prefer to be hands off and allow each student to make mistakes, but also to learn from mistakes. To become a good scientist you must focus on the details and be able to recognize when an observation is an error vs. an actual finding. Yes Yes Yes Yes
Star/flag UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #411 Lock UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #411 Thu, 08/10/2023 - 04:35 PM Thu, 08/10/2023 - 05:43 PM Tue, 09/26/2023 - 01:41 PM Anonymous 2023 https://cre.fsu.edu/urop-research-mentor-project-submission-portal?element_parents=elements/research_mentor_information/headshot_optional_&ajax_form=1&_wrapper_format=drupal_ajax&token=gfi0j_qvza_OVo-_hpZY0lhzsuU3yFR7nqwQSuMyro0 Dong.jpg Dr. Shengli Dong sdong3@fsu.edu Thursday, Sep. 7th, 2:00pm-2:30pm,


Faculty Education EPLS ***Intersectionality of disability and mental health among transition youth with disabilities in an era of AI technology Yes 3 open to all majors disability, mental health, AI technology Providing timely advising and generous mentoring for students on their research is an important aspect of my commitment to student development. I take a developmental mentoring approach. During the initial process, I help students to familiarize themselves with relevant literature and engage them in IRB training. These activities help them connect with the literature and the research team. With the passage of time, I assign more responsibilities in data collection, analysis, and writing. I constantly involve students in conference presentations and publications. Yes Yes Yes Yes
Star/flag UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #408 Lock UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #408 Thu, 08/10/2023 - 04:28 PM Thu, 08/10/2023 - 04:28 PM Fri, 09/01/2023 - 01:37 PM Anonymous 2023 https://cre.fsu.edu/urop-research-mentor-project-submission-portal?token=0se7ap1NlOYg97tXNVTztwYiGp0g80DjgFtt2BZuG9I suo.zucai@med.fsu.edu Zucai Suo Dr. zucai.suo@med.fsu.edu I will send my graduate students to the roundtable. Faculty Medicine FSU Nikita Zalenski Mechanistic investigation of the Inhibitory mechanisms of a novel blockbuster anti-AIDS drug Yes 3 The potential undergraduate researchers should major in biochemistry, biology, chemistry, or biomedical engineering. HIV. nucleoside analog drug, drug inhibitory mechanism, AIDS As a professor for more than 22 years, I enjoy working with the motivated students. I feel really good when I see my young trainees growing intellectually and professionally. During my career, I have trained about undergraduate researchers in my labs at the Ohio State University and here. The general pattern is that the GPAs of my undergraduate researchers were/are higher after working in my labs. Yes Yes Yes Yes
Star/flag UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #406 Lock UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #406 Thu, 08/10/2023 - 03:28 PM Thu, 08/10/2023 - 03:28 PM Thu, 10/05/2023 - 01:16 PM Anonymous 2023 https://cre.fsu.edu/urop-research-mentor-project-submission-portal?token=0DJx8VC-Z6UPm-6Gf4LqkNYVPMzOqDDRwH_6kfVATFk Carolina-Gonzalez-1.jpg Dr. Carolina Gonzalez she, her cgonzalez3@fsu.edu Faculty Arts and Sciences Modern Languages and Linguistics Exploring language invention: A digital exhibit No 2 Open to all majors Languages; conlanging; website I focus on fostering professional growth and developing meaningful connections with my students. As a UROP mentor, I provide guidance on all aspects of the research project but I am also open to students' constructive ideas and suggestions. I meet my students regularly to make sure that the goals of the project are going met, but also to ask how their classes are going, and to remind them to take care of themselves and have a good work/life balance. I strive to be frank but compassionate, providing constructive criticism if needed and also frequent encouragement.
I value mutual respect and accountability. I don't expect perfection: mistakes are part of the learning process. I have participated in UROP many times, and on several occasions I have remained in touch with UROP students well after the year is over. UROP can result in continued mentoring during your undergraduate studies and beyond; sometimes it leads to long-term research collaboration in academic presentations and publications as well.
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Star/flag UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #405 Lock UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #405 Thu, 08/10/2023 - 02:36 PM Thu, 08/10/2023 - 03:32 PM Tue, 09/26/2023 - 09:06 AM Anonymous 2023 https://cre.fsu.edu/urop-research-mentor-project-submission-portal?token=q-x0FB4h4neMwGlASuaA-hpBr1fzd0S-xt8NiKkuiaY Dr. Hye-Jung "April" Yun She hyun@fsu.edu September 6 (Wed) 1:30-2pm: https://fsu.zoom.us/j/6691601731
September 8 (Fri) 1:30-2pm: https://fsu.zoom.us/j/93161204949

Post Doc N/A Florida Center for Prevention Research Cynthia Wilson Healthy Marriage and Relationship Education No 2 Psychology, Social work, Education, Sociology, Human Development and Family Sciences, Health and Human Science marriage, couple, relationship, family, education I have developed a set of principles to successfully mentor undergraduate students as follows:
1. Time is necessary for mutual understanding. My willingness to spend time with my mentee affirms my respect and the values of their effort. Also, making progress requires effective use of limited periods of time. I facilitate this by setting a work schedule, deadlines, and regular meetings to assess progress during the UROP Research Mentor Project.
2. Communication is a key to success in both ways. The same conversation can have startlingly different meaning to a student and a mentor because of differences in their backgrounds and how they think through problems. Listening to a student, their ideas, and their responses to my statements and asking questions are critical to establishing mutual understanding and I am open to interactive communication.
3. Organization skill is important to efficiently complete a project. Projects have many elements and include the compilation of data and analyses over a long period of time, so I will provide the organizational chart and spreadsheet to track our work together.
4. The success of their research results from their effort and insight, an ownership that I explicitly acknowledge. No independent work occurs without such personal responsibility. Early in the process I will likely provide more direction, later in the process as independence grows my role is to help retain focus and deliver results.
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Star/flag UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #404 Lock UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #404 Thu, 08/10/2023 - 01:31 PM Mon, 08/14/2023 - 10:06 AM Wed, 09/06/2023 - 01:58 PM Anonymous 2023 https://cre.fsu.edu/urop-research-mentor-project-submission-portal?element_parents=elements/research_mentor_information/headshot_optional_&ajax_form=1&_wrapper_format=drupal_ajax&token=gDwhYUZoDH7DO2WzO8gjGar_UXrqtFnk4r9axW0GVWg 272140157_10224089524518510_2010313901247486402_n.jpg Prof. Baxley Craig Jami R. Baxley Craig She/her jrb16d@fsu.edu Friday Sept 8, 12-6pm Graduate Student Arts and Sciences Classics Contextualizing Ground Stone Tools from Prehistoric Kea, Greece Yes 1 Open to all majors Archaeology, Greece, Classics, Data collection I hope that every student with whom I work has a positive learning experience where they not only learn something knew, but their professor is open to learning from them as well. Younger student bring new ideas, and it is the professor's responsibility to help them harness and express their ideas in a way that will best serve them. I have had several outstanding mentors throughout my academic career who not only opened new doors for me, but propelled me through them. I ultimately want to mentor my students in the same way. Yes Yes Yes Yes