UROP Leader Information Submission: Submission #28

Submission information
Submission Number: 28
Submission ID: 4261
Submission UUID: dd8de4dc-0df8-431d-ae16-14322f5a6000

Created: Tue, 11/15/2022 - 02:07 PM
Completed: Tue, 11/15/2022 - 02:07 PM
Changed: Thu, 04/13/2023 - 09:56 AM

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English

Is draft: No

Locked: Yes
First Name: Mel
Last Name: Umbdenstock
Full name as you would like it to appear on the website: Mel Umbdenstock
Preferred Pronouns: she/her/hers
Hometown, State, and Country (ex: Tallahassee, FL, USA): Chicago, IL
FSU email : mru19@fsu.edu
Please check this box if you are willing to be contacted by students interested in UROP: Yes
LinkedIn URL (optional): {Empty}
Major(s): Psychology
Minor(s): Communications
Graduation Semester and Year (ex: Fall, 2022): Spring 2023
What is your current research focus?:
Interpersonal communication and the psychology of workplace relations 

Are there any other research related activities you participate(d) in?:

Answer one of the following two questions about being a UROP Leader or your UROP background. : How has UROP impacted your time at FSU?
Please answer the question you selected above in the area provided.:
Being a UROP student greatly impacted what I wanted to do with my time at Florida State. It showed me how I could get involved with research and that there were so many areas of research that I could learn more about. As a UROP Leader, I've gained valuable leadership skills and have learned so much from my students and their passions. 

Please list any other hobbies or interests you would like to share:

Headshot: https://cre.fsu.edu/system/files/webform/urop_leaders_information/4261/Headshot.jpg
2025Year2025: 2022
Approved: Yes
Update URL UROP Leaders: http://cre.fsu.acsitefactory.com/urop-leader-information-submission?token=vh6CsFKgH7k2CmzYfE4A064YUadiPOnmmQTixuyGcKs
Years as a UROP Leader: 2021-2022 and 2022-2023