UROP Leader Information Submission: Submission #140

Submission information
Submission Number: 140
Submission ID: 13471
Submission UUID: 7dbb757f-e120-4fed-abaf-947642c556de

Created: Mon, 04/15/2024 - 10:59 AM
Completed: Mon, 04/15/2024 - 11:33 AM
Changed: Thu, 05/23/2024 - 10:43 AM

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English

Is draft: No
First Name: Anastasiya
Last Name: Kozak
Full name as you would like it to appear on the website: Anastasiya Kozak
Preferred Pronouns: {Empty}
Hometown, State, and Country (ex: Tallahassee, FL, USA): Vitebsk, Belarus
FSU email : ak22v@fsu.edu
Please check this box if you are willing to be contacted by students interested in UROP: Yes
LinkedIn URL (optional): {Empty}
Major(s): Marketing and Finance
Minor(s): {Empty}
Graduation Semester and Year (ex: Fall, 2022): Spring 2026
What is your current research focus?:
My current research focuses on sustainability and the turnover intentions of environmental nonprofit employees. We are also focusing on the concept of eco-anxiety and how it is affecting whether NPO employees choose to stay or quit their jobs.

Are there any other research related activities you participate(d) in?:

Answer one of the following two questions about being a UROP Leader or your UROP background. : How has UROP impacted your time at FSU?
Please answer the question you selected above in the area provided.:
Before college, I did not know that undergraduate students could be involved with research and assist FSU's faculty. When my roommate told me about UROP freshman year, I applied and was so excited to receive my acceptance. Since then, I have had a fantastic opportunity to work with my mentor, a PhD student, and use his advice in research, academics, and everyday life. The CRE has also taught me about resources FSU offers that I would have not familiarized myself with otherwise. Through this opportunity, I have met the most amazing people and hope to be a part of that support network for future UROP students. 

Please list any other hobbies or interests you would like to share:
I am involved with club tennis and will serve as vice president for the upcoming year on the executive board. I am also a member of the FSU Belly Dancers, and I love staying active both on campus and at the gym. I also love to cook, travel, and watch comedy. 

Headshot: https://cre.fsu.edu/system/files/webform/urop_leaders_information/13471/IMG_6705_0.jpeg
2025Year2025: 2024
Approved: Yes
Update URL UROP Leaders: https://cre.fsu.edu/urop-leader-information-submission?element_parents=elements/headshot&ajax_form=1&_wrapper_format=drupal_ajax&token=IUy9IIc-G-rAjLXW3QQebbsZcXGxMvhsdjRbo6L4JO4
Years as a UROP Leader: 2023-2024