UROP Leader Information Submission: Submission #132

Submission information
Submission Number: 132
Submission ID: 8101
Submission UUID: 24b7af06-34ea-4244-9ed2-c77d1652bf5c

Created: Mon, 07/31/2023 - 02:26 PM
Completed: Mon, 07/31/2023 - 02:26 PM
Changed: Tue, 08/01/2023 - 11:23 AM

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English

Is draft: No
First Name: Lily
Last Name: Childers
Full name as you would like it to appear on the website: Lily Childers
Preferred Pronouns: she/her
Hometown, State, and Country (ex: Tallahassee, FL, USA): Orlando
FSU email : Ltc20d@fsu.edu
Please check this box if you are willing to be contacted by students interested in UROP: Yes
LinkedIn URL (optional): {Empty}
Major(s): History
Minor(s): Chemistry
Graduation Semester and Year (ex: Fall, 2022): Spring, 2024
What is your current research focus?:
 I am currently working on a review paper about how different health literacy and numeracy scales are used for patient-oriented research studies. A part of a bigger project about creating patient portal software to bridge gaps between patient interpretation of lab results and their understanding and management of online medical records. I am also doing a systematic review of different types of gynecological cancer such as ovarian, cervical, etc. 

Are there any other research related activities you participate(d) in?:
Clinical Research Assistant - Worked as a part of an interdisciplinary team investigating the effects of carbohydrates ingestion on patient vascular function, assisted with data entry and analysis, patient communication, blood sample centrifugation, and other key aspects of the research process.

Answer one of the following two questions about being a UROP Leader or your UROP background. : How has UROP impacted your time at FSU?
Please answer the question you selected above in the area provided.:
 I think there have been two significant impacts that UROP has had on my time at FSU. Firstly, UROP has really helped me realize my future career path. I came into UROP undecided about what I was going to do in the future, and getting the opportunity to work with patients in a clinical setting and improve the healthcare system through UROP has aided my decision/passion for attending medical school and one day becoming a physician. Secondly, I think the relationships made through UROP are something that I have not been able to find in any other programs that I am a part of at FSU. Not only have I made friends with peers also in the UROP program, but my relationship with my research mentor has been one of the best relationships I have created at FSU. Having a research mentor who genuinely cares about your well-being and helps you learn what you like and don't like about research is so special. My whole research group and I are still extremely close even though our project has ended. I am so thankful that I was part of a group that made me love research and have an amazing experience as a UROP student.

Please list any other hobbies or interests you would like to share:
 I am an avid reader of psychological thrillers and love to spend time with my dogs! I am also the founder and president of a registered student organization here at FSU called Health Equality Reassurance and Education for You, AKA H.E.R.E. For You! H.E.R.E. For You strives to educate students and the community on women’s health and wellness. In affiliation with Florida State University’s Gynecology Clinic, this organization seeks to create more awareness surrounding the women’s health resources provided by FSU. Our club aims to support all FSU students who can benefit from the advice and treatment that FSU’s Women’s Clinic provides.

Headshot: https://cre.fsu.edu/system/files/webform/urop_leaders_information/8101/Screen%20Shot%202023-07-31%20at%202.26.20%20PM.png
2025Year2025: 2023
Approved: Yes
Update URL UROP Leaders: https://cre.fsu.edu/urop-leader-information-submission?element_parents=elements/headshot&ajax_form=1&_wrapper_format=drupal_ajax&token=xLt6iw1sco4UOtoHXZUBA96er0NSY48lGEHHLUymkDo
Years as a UROP Leader: 2023-2024