UROP Leader Information Submission: Submission #172

Submission information
Submission Number: 172
Submission ID: 13696
Submission UUID: 7dd901a5-5b7b-4e91-8f2d-3019ee424c87

Created: Sun, 04/21/2024 - 03:43 PM
Completed: Sun, 04/21/2024 - 03:43 PM
Changed: Thu, 05/23/2024 - 09:39 AM

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English

Is draft: No
First Name: Raphaela
Last Name: Fernandes
Full name as you would like it to appear on the website: Raphaela Fernandes
Preferred Pronouns: {Empty}
Hometown, State, and Country (ex: Tallahassee, FL, USA): Brazil
FSU email : raf22a@fsu.edu
Please check this box if you are willing to be contacted by students interested in UROP: Yes
LinkedIn URL (optional): {Empty}
Major(s): Political Science & English Editing, Writing and Media
Minor(s): {Empty}
Graduation Semester and Year (ex: Fall, 2022): Spring 2026
What is your current research focus?:
My current research focus is on areas involving politics, such as public policy, international relations, terrorism and homeland security, etc. I have previously assisted Pooja Ichplani on her research through the College of Communications, particularly regarding women and Intimate Partner Violence. 

Are there any other research related activities you participate(d) in?:

Answer one of the following two questions about being a UROP Leader or your UROP background. : How has UROP impacted your time at FSU?
Please answer the question you selected above in the area provided.:
UROP has been one of the best experiences I've had in college. It has sparked my interest and curiosity for research and has given me the tools and guidance to pursue this path. I met many amazing people through the program and have been taught by some of the best UROP Leaders who have truly inspired me. 

Please list any other hobbies or interests you would like to share:
I love traveling and learning about different cultures. Besides UROP, one of my favorite experiences at FSU was studying abroad in Florence, Italy, summer of 2023. 

Headshot: https://cre.fsu.edu/system/files/webform/urop_leaders_information/13696/9B05C3AF-67E2-41C1-8F41-67435DFDE822.jpeg
2025Year2025: 2024
Approved: Yes
Update URL UROP Leaders: https://cre.fsu.edu/urop-leader-information-submission?element_parents=elements/headshot&ajax_form=1&_wrapper_format=drupal_ajax&token=61pDI-ggtNUWHlKLZiNoJXSnQ74Lr3f_thXP2tUBiUk
Years as a UROP Leader: 2024-2025