Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP)

Florida State University provides high-achieving students an engaging community with the flexibility and funding opportunities to explore their full range of interests. Our award-winning professors focus on student success with opportunities such as undergraduate research, which launches students into the fascinating world of a research university. Watch the video and picture yourself immersing in a culture which prizes academic excellence. This page is for Undergraduate Students, click here if you are Faculty/Postdoc/Graduate Student/Industry or other Research Mentor for more information.

UROP Applications are Open!

The deadline to apply to UROP as an incoming student or current first-year student is June 1, 2024 and for transfer students, the deadline is July 1, 2024

Link to CRE Application Portal: https://fsu-cre.smapply.us/

UROP decisions will be released in mid to late July.

Click one of the links below to view a Zoom recording and learn more about the program. 

 UROP Info Session   or    UROP Info Session for Transfer Students

Contact us with any questions at CRE-UROP@fsu.edu

Check out this video about what sets UROP students apart.

To learn more about UROP, watch a recording from one of our UROP Info Sessions here!

You can watch one of the Transfer Student Info Sessions here!


UROP Experience

Join a community of hundreds of first and second-year student researchers and UROP alumni, including discipline-specific, transfer, and student-veteran cohorts

  • Explore academic and career interests through faculty and graduate student mentorship, all while learning to think in creative and innovative ways
  • Choose from hundreds of projects representing all areas of study, including fine arts, humanities, sciences, medicine, engineering, business, and social sciences, including the freedom to engage research outside of your proposed, or declared, field of study
  • Join an established researcher or team, with the ability to collect and analyze data, co-author, present findings at conferences, and make other important contributions
  • Gain hands-on knowledge and application of research principles, a competitive and tangible asset for graduate and professional school applications, and an attractive skillset for future employers.

Program Components

Students' participation in UROP consists of three, interconnected components, the Colloquium, the Assistantship, and the Presentation. By clicking on each of the individual components below, future UROP participants can learn more about each of the program's modules.

Inquiry, investigation, and discovery are at the heart of Florida State's mission. Every faculty member is engaged in groundbreaking original scholarship, and as an undergraduate, you can join faculty in their work in laboratories, libraries, studios, and beyond. Imagine how you can connect your classroom learning and intellectual interests as you work with faculty members, Ph.D. students, and startup companies on research and creative projects.

UROP is open to first- and second-year undergraduates and transfer students in all majors and requires a two-semester commitment lasting from Fall 2023 through Spring 2024. We expect to accept up to 550 students for the Fall 2023 – Spring 2024 academic year. In the past, UROP Colloquium classes have been generally scheduled within three time slots, 3:05 to 4:05 p.m., 4:50 to 5:50 p.m., or 6:35 to 7:35 p.m. every other Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday.

For any UROP questions, please contact cre@fsu.edu. 

The Colloquium

What is research, why does it matter, and how will it help you? The UROP Colloquium is a training course that seeks to answer these questions for UROP students. The Colloquium will be led by your UROP Leader, an undergraduate student experienced in research, and will offer you support in learning about research, finding and contributing to a faculty project, and presenting your work.

You will meet for your research colloquium once every two weeks for Fall and Spring semesters. This one-credit-hour pass/fail course is designed to introduce you to research and offer ongoing support through your participation in UROP. You are fully responsible for tuition and course fees for the UROP Colloquium. In the Colloquium, you will discuss and engage with research topics, meet and hear from prestigious guest speakers, and learn hands-on at skill-building workshops.

By the end of the academic year and the Colloquium, UROP students will be able to:

  • Define research and identify its role in the world
  • Identify basic research designs and methods
  • Read and review peer-reviewed articles
  • Identify ethical concerns regarding research integrity and responsibility
  • Write a research abstract
  • Present their research in an academic/research setting
  • Engage with a faculty member in a research setting.

Through the colloquium, you should feel prepared and empowered to contribute substantially to your research project and present a poster reflecting your research endeavors during the Undergraduate Research Symposium in the spring.

The Assistantship

With the help of your UROP Leader, you will select a UROP project to work on. In this assistantship with your Research Mentor, you will have duties that vary by discipline and specific project, but may include tasks like preparing samples, collecting data, conducting interviews, or compiling sources. This assistantship lasts for two semesters.

The UROP assistantship functions on inquiry-based learning. Traditionally, you learn through reading about topics and theories in the classroom, but here you will learn actively by combining this theory with practice, much in the same way that your Research Mentor is learning every day.

To see the research projects which UROP students worked on this year, view the Undergraduate Research Symposium page.

Some examples of the research you could do in your assistantship include:

In the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields: lab research, testing and working with equipment, sample preparation, data collection and entry, experimentation, bench work, running assays, working with model organisms, collecting data, learning laboratory techniques

In the Social Sciences: community-based research, conducting and transcribing interviews, surveys, data collection, analysis and organization, bibliographic work, editing, indexing, assembling sources, reading for and preparing literature reviews, descriptive and analytical statistics, participant observation, content analysis, visual interpretations, incorporating theoretical perspectives

In the Arts and Humanities: library research, bibliography, compiling sources, archival research, literature reviews, writing summaries and abstracts, indexing, manuscript preparation, Special Collections research, digital retrieval of primary sources (books, manuscripts, paintings, videos, etc.), assistance with performance art, fact-checking, writing for permissions, database research

Project Selection
UROP students will apply and interview for UROP projects they are interested in participating in, and Research Mentors will select their assistants. Your UROP Leader will facilitate this process by helping you identify your own strengths and interests and guiding you to projects and Research Mentors that best fit you.

Working with your Research Mentor
Once you have been selected to assist a Research Mentor, they will outline your role in the project and their expectations. Together, you and your Research Mentor will develop a schedule, find background readings and resources, discuss the broader theoretical frameworks of the project, and discuss the purpose and goals of the project and your contribution to it. Once you are familiarized with your Research Mentor and the project, you will be responsible for contributing to the project in keeping with your Research Mentor's expectations and established schedule. This will likely include your involvement in research team meetings and regular and continuous feedback on your performance.

One of the greatest advantages of participating in UROP is the relationship you build with your Research Mentor, and we encourage you to actively nurture that relationship by doing your best work during your UROP assistantship and continuing to work with your Mentor once your UROP experience is over.

The Presentation

All UROP students will present their work in the Undergraduate Research Symposium, where they will showcase their contributions to their Research Mentor's projects. Part of the Colloquium will be to prepare you to present a poster at the symposium.

One of the most important parts of research is sharing your findings with the rest of the academic community. At the President's Showcase in the Fall, you'll get to see what this looks like and how it fits into the academic culture at Florida State. In the Spring at the Undergraduate Research Symposium, you'll be participating yourself. This rewards you with a conference presentation in your first or second year, a marker of your ability to not only conduct research but to communicate your results effectively; this is an opportunity that many students do not have until their junior or senior year, if at all.

Impact of UROP

The purpose and outcomes of UROP go beyond providing assistance to faculty or introducing students to research. By engaging students and faculty in the university's main missions - teaching and research - in a way that gives students one-on-one access to faculty and gives faculty access to the next generation of researchers, the entire university culture benefits.

A large body of scholarship suggests that programs like UROP have a strong impact on undergraduate education, retention, GPA, and graduation rates. The University of Michigan has conducted their own studies on the effects of their UROP program (on which our program draws as a model), the results of which can be seen here.

The Center for Undergraduate Research and Academic Engagement and the Division of Undergraduate Studies expect UROP to directly contribute to

  1. Retention, as outlined in the Michigan study,
  2. Recruitment, by offering a student experience unique in the state of Florida,
  3. Reputation, through presentations at conferences and peer perception of the program, and
  4. Rankings, by investing in our undergraduate education and academic culture.

Please see some of these studies for analyses on the benefits of programs like UROP:

Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program
Provides Continuous Involvement Opportunities

We obtain feedback frequently about UROP, and we often hear that our student leaders have a positive impact on participants' discovery and exploration of research. Additionally, our students regularly speak of the UROP staff, faculty mentors, and their peer researchers as a family, and the program provides an opportunity for continuous involvement from your first day at FSU until graduation.

UROP eased my integration into Florida State University's research community by facilitating conversations with prominent faculty members, encouraging collaboration with peers, and ensuring the success of my pursuits in undergraduate research. As a veteran, a transfer student, and a UROP member, I strongly believe this program has a genuine mission to enrich the education of participating students. 

 -Daniel Hubbard, Transfer/Veteran UROP Student

After completing the UROP program, previous students have the opportunity to continue on as UROP Leaders, and even beyond that as leaders of leaders, or UROP Leader Mentors. Besides a great letter of recommendation, our program provides continuity of involvement, with the opportunity for increasing levels of responsibility, a tremendous asset in today's competitive job market. UROP Leader Mentors Joe Accardo, Alexa Pennavaria, Jeff Edelstein and Victoria Sunnergren have been able to utilize their own positive UROP experiences to inspire a new generation of undergraduate researchers.

Meet Joe and Alexa
Meet Jeff and Victoria