President's Showcase

Ian Bridges

Poster Presentation, Ballroom D
Ian Bridges headshot.jpg

Steve Madden Undergraduate Research Award

Artificial Intelligence Assisted Medical Research Article Comprehension and Presentation
Supervising Professor: Dr. Guang Wang
Ian Bridges is a pure Mathematics student and the president of Pi Mu Epsilon, the university's premier mathematics fraternity. Ian demonstrates a first-class commitment to research and learning, producing a recreational mathematics paper in his first year at the university. Ian now works with Dr. Xiuwen Liu as a research assistant, now focusing on mathematical problems in artificial intelligence and quantum computing. In the future, Ian hopes to be pursuing his Ph.D in mathematics at the California Institute of Technology. Ian can be found daily at 3pm in MCH216 at the daily math student tea.


The constant influx of new medical research poses challenges for both researchers attempting to find and digest relevant articles and non-medical professionals attempting to gather information about diseases and their treatment methods. We present preliminary results on a classification model to determine whether a paper presents original experimental results. A preliminary model is proposed to determine the independent and dependent variable discussed in the aforementioned papers which present original experimental results.

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