Research Symposium

22nd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium

Nicole Cohen Poster Session 2: 10:00 - 10:45/Poster #46



Nicole Cohen is from Boca Raton, FL, and is a sophomore at Florida State University. She is double majoring in Media/ Communication Studies, and Editing, Writing, and Media. Nicole has been involved in research for several years beginning with the AP Research program in high school. Her research interests include art, theatre, politics, and the power of social media. Nicole currently works at the School of Communication, where she is responsible for managing the front desk and completing various clerical tasks. Nicole plans to pursue a career in the communications or writing field.

The Open Call Podcast

Authors: Nicole Cohen, Anne Stagg
Student Major: Media/ Communication Studies and Editing, Writing, and Media
Mentor: Anne Stagg
Mentor's Department: Department of Art
Mentor's College: College of Fine Arts
Co-Presenters: Judah Bachmann


The Open Call Podcast is a unique, cross-disciplinary project engaging in ongoing observational research. The podcast aims to engage with contemporary artists and learn from their individual practices through the lens of a socially-distant and Covid impacted art world. By speaking with guests about their practices through meaningful conversations, the podcast hosts can gain a deeper look into a variety of artists' approaches and methods. To limit the types of media experienced by the audience, the podcast explores an unfamiliarly blind side of the art appreciation experience. This leads to exciting and informative research. While the tactics and methods for this project do not resemble those of more “traditional” research projects, it is a prime example of the breadth of research possibilities, particularly in an artistic research setting. As more interview data is accumulated from the show, it is interesting to see the commonalities between many contemporary artists. These commonalities add to the intrigue and relevance of the podcast for all listeners, regardless of their standing in the art world.

Keywords: art, podcast, social media, artists