Research Symposium

22nd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium

Matt Jutkofsky Poster Session 7: 3:30-4:15/Poster #27

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I am from a small town in central Florida called Leesburg. Growing up I had many different interests which ranged from playing soccer to bull riding. Late in my high school career, I learned that I had an overwhelming interest in higher education and research. The thought of exploring the questions that we have about the world and participating in unraveling the mysteries of science is very appealing to me. I chose biomedical engineering as my Major because it is where I believe the most important discoveries are being made. It is a very rewarding discipline that is undoubtedly important to the world.

Thermal conductivity of Polymers

Authors: Matt Jutkofsky, Daniel Hallinan
Student Major: Biomedical engineering
Mentor: Daniel Hallinan
Mentor's Department: Chemical engineering
Mentor's College: Famu-FSU college of engineering


A block copolymer is a group of polymer blocks combined to create a new material. These groups of polymers are composed of different species of monomers that have been synthesized together. These polymers are used very often in batteries and we want to specifically look at how heat is absorbed into these polymers. Our goal is to study the effect of combining two different types of polymers with high and low thermal conductivity. Also, we are interested in studying the thermal conductivity’s effect from adding metal nanoparticles in a block copolymer. We used a hot press to create the samples and a C-Therm trident to test the sample's thermal conductivity. Our data has shown that the surface of the polymer and the temperature and humidity of the room has a massive effect on the thermal conductivity. By putting the polymer samples into different microphases we are hoping to see how the thermal conductivity changes.

Keywords: Thermal Conductivity Polymers