Research Symposium

22nd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium

Maitri Wallen Poster Session 2: 10:00-10:45/Poster #58



Hello! My name is Maitri Wallen I am a senior FSU student majoring in Interdisciplinary Medical Sciences with a concentration in Clinical Professions. I have a love for research and gaining knowledge from others. After graduation I plan on taking a gap year to study for the MCAT and apply to medical school.

A Mixed Study Exploring Student’s Creation and Use of Notes and Their Study Habits

Authors: Maitri Wallen, Samantha Tackett
Student Major: Interdisciplinary Medical Sciences
Mentor: Samantha Tackett
Mentor's Department: Academic Center for Excellence
Mentor's College: Undergraduate Studies


University students utilize various tools and resources to succeed academically in their courses. This research study highlights the study resources students use, including the creation of their notes. This exploratory study used an online Qualtrics survey and interview process that was available to students around campus. The survey allowed students to talk about their note-taking experiences and their general study resources. An interview was then conducted to allow for more in-depth questions asking about specific classes. The results showed that students: use drawings to supplement their learning, review their notes and make changes later, and condense their notes to study. Some of the top ways students used to study the lecture material were using Quizlet, informational videos, flashcards, and practice problems. These results suggest that students emphasize the importance of taking notes, but their notetaking abilities can be improved in additional ways.

Keywords: study, education, habits