Research Symposium

23rd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 6, 2023

Victor Oguledo Poster Session 1: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm/ Poster #128



I am a Tallahassee native currently completing my second year at FSU. My research interests include data and computer science. Once I graduate, I plan on attending graduate school, then working in actuarial science and insurance.

Enhancing the Feedback Experience for Instructors and Students.

Authors: Victor Oguledo, Russell G. Almond
Student Major: Actuarial Science
Mentor: Russell G. Almond
Mentor's Department: Department of Educational Psychology and Learning Systems
Mentor's College: FSU College of Education
Co-Presenters: James Hudson, Ricardo Silveira


One of the hardest tasks of an instructor is to provide high quality timely feedback about student writing. This is particularly true in writing about a technical subject, where students may have problems with either the technical content or expressing their ideas through language, figures and tables. In addition, if the instructor uses a grader or teaching assistant to provide feedback, they need to train those graders to provide feedback that is consistent with the instructor’s feedback.

In this project, we are creating a feedback system. This system consists of a database of feedback elements, which can be grouped into palettes for specific assignments. The system would then act as a plug-in to a word processor that allows a grader to select text and associate feedback elements with the text. An interchange format will allow instructors to share feedback elements, and eventually, computer-assisted feedback will allow the word processor to identify possible areas of feedback. Feedback elements can be tied to rubrics, to provide automatic grading that can be verified by the instructor. Therefore, the purpose of this project is to enhance the feedback experience for instructors, their teaching assistants, and students.

Urop poster screenshot.png

Keywords: Feedback Palette, High-quality timely Feedback, Evidence-Centered Classroom Assessment, Rubric associated notes, measuring student performance