Research Symposium

23rd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 6, 2023

Yoonseo Lee Poster Session 3: 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm/ Poster #402



My name is Yoonseo Lee and I go by Clara. This is my first year at Florida State University studying in Marketing. I am planning on double majoring in Marketing and Art History. In the future, I want to become an art museum curator where I get to travel the world and work in museums in other countries. In high school I was a part of the International Baccalaureate Program as well as the National Honors Society. At Florida State I am still trying to find my interest and explore the many career paths I can take to a successful future.

Is There a Significant Difference In The Amount Of Open Call Opportunities In The Northern States Than The Southern States?

Authors: Yoonseo Lee, Tra Bouscaren
Student Major: Marketing
Mentor: Tra Bouscaren
Mentor's Department: Art
Mentor's College: College of Fine Arts


In the United States there are some states that are more widely known for art. But that does not necessarily mean that artist are also located in those cities. Artists can be found all over the country whereas the open calls for artists are known to be more focused in certain locations. Since the cities like New York are more globally known to have high amounts of artists along with galleries and museums, many will say that along with the number of artists the open calls in these locations will be significantly higher than the cities that are not. In the research, I have divided the United States to compare the southern and northern states. The two southern states are North Carolina and Texas as the northern states that are compared are New York and Northern California. The data was graphed onto a map to easily spot where the open calls are more focused. When I first started the research, I did not expect states like North Carolina to have a large amount of open call available. But in general, it was more difficult to find open calls for artists to find open calls in southern states. But through the research, it was found that even though there are generally more opportunities in the north but there are many open calls in the south through out the year as well.

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Keywords: Art, artist, museum, art opportunity