Research Symposium

23rd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 6, 2023

Ryan Uemura He/Him Poster Session 2: 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm/ Poster #331

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Hey guys, I am a freshman accounting major from Chicago, Illinois. I have done and enjoyed doing research regarding the accounting industry, technology, and environmental pollution. I hope to continue learning more about the accounting industry as I continue doing research. I hope to graduate in three years and start early on my master's degree in accounting. Then, I will work to get my CPA certification and attain a partner level in a big firm.

After Integration – The Career Progression of Females and Minorities in Accounting

Authors: Ryan Uemura, Aleksandra Zimmerman
Student Major: Accounting
Mentor: Aleksandra Zimmerman
Mentor's Department: Accounting
Mentor's College: John Carroll University


Prior research has shown that there is currently a shortage of accountants and less diversity in accounting than in other business professions. In this study, we take the prior research further by focusing on diversity in accounting as well as other majors, allowing us to compare the two. There is currently very little research on this topic, so we want to look at why the accounting major has less diversity than other business majors. We will be gathering information about academic career choice, initial job choice, and career progression of accounting and other business school alumni through a survey that will be sent to alumni of FSU and other business schools. The data we collect will allow us to test our hypotheses and answer our research question “Do the career choices and progression of female and minority accountants differ from those of white male accountants and those of female and minority business professionals other than accounting?” We are still in the process of creating the survey we intend to send out and will be sending it out in April.

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Keywords: Accounting Minorities Women Careers