Research Symposium

23rd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 6, 2023

Cameron Valenti he/him Poster Session 1: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm/ Poster #324



I am a second-year Economics major, Mathematics minor. My research interests include industrial organization, urban economics, and environmental economics. After graduation, I plan on attending graduate school so that I can become an Economist.

St. Andrews and St. Joseph Bay Estuary Program Economic Valuation

Authors: Cameron Valenti , Dr. Georgianna Strode
Student Major: Economics
Mentor: Dr. Georgianna Strode
Mentor's Department: Florida Resources and Environmental Analysis Center (FREAC)
Mentor's College: Institute of Science and Public Affairs (ISPA)
Co-Presenters: Lydia Arrieta


The St. Andrew Bay Watershed covers 1,156 miles in North Florida’s central panhandle. The watershed encapsulates both St. Andrew and St. Joseph Bay. Florida State University’s (FSU) Center for Economic Forecasting (CEFA) in conjunction with FSU’s Florida Resources and Environmental Analysis Center (FREAC) are studying the economic value and impact of the St. Andrews and St. Joseph Bay Estuary on the surrounding counties. The organizations are using Geographical Information Systems (GIS), coding languages, and econometric methods to evaluate the economic impact/benefits of the estuary. Data from the Florida Department of Revenue (FDOR), Florida Division of Emergency Management (FDEM), and NETs is being utilized. The results thus far are tentative, but will include direct business sales, property values, and annual carbon sequestration within the estuary region.

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Keywords: economics, environmental valuation, GIS