Research Symposium

22nd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium

Joshua Smith He/his Poster Session 4: 12:30 - 1:15/Poster #17



Hi! My name is Joshua Smith and I am a student at Florida State University. I am a CNA in my free time, I like to bake and I am also in Air Force ROTC. I aspire to become a trauma physician in the Air Force one day.

The Mark of a Woman

Authors: Joshua Smith, Rebecca Peters
Student Major: Biochemistry
Mentor: Rebecca Peters
Mentor's Department: Department of Religion
Mentor's College: College of History


Women across the globe are not recognized for their astounding work and now is the time that they received their recognition. This project is focused on how well Indian women are portrayed as actors. I find the movies they have participated in, the movie interviews, and articles to help gather how much work goes on behind the scenes to illustrate that minority women are not given the credibility they deserve. ​

Keywords: Religion, films, gender studies