Research Symposium

22nd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium

Brennan Hinson Poster Session 6: 2:30-3:15/Poster #9

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I am a first-year civil engineering major here at FSU, and am originally from Tampa. I am involved in the Presidential Scholars Program, in addition to Pi Lambda Phi fraternity. I enjoyed my engineering-related research here and hope to land a successful job as a civil engineer after my four years at Florida State.

Site-Suitability Analysis for Placement of Green Infrastructure Projects along the Florida Gulf of Mexico Coast

Authors: Brennan Hinson, Kassie Ernst
Student Major: Civil Engineering
Mentor: Kassie Ernst
Mentor's Department: Civil and Environmental Engineering
Mentor's College: FAMU-FSU College of Engineering


The Gulf Region faces many natural phenomena, such as hurricanes and heavy rainfall which contribute to excessive flooding. The implementation of green infrastructure and various engineering designs can mitigate flood damage and assist the environment while aiding social benefit to the surrounding community.
This project initially focused on various methods involved in green infrastructure and their effects on flood mitigation, then specific systems that help to counter excess water flow. From there, we broke down indicators for site suitability and modified an already-developed indicator framework to better fit the needs of the project. We then matched these methods to sites in Florida to help improve the indicator list while also measuring a location’s viability for a possible green infrastructure project.
This framework could be extremely beneficial to those concerned with developing a project in the realm of green infrastructure, and also gives insight into the most important things to consider when trying to maximizing social and environmental benefit. Future additions to this project would consist of developing a framework in ArcGIS, allowing users to apply the set of indicators to a large region at one time, identifying the best possible locations automatically without having to grade each one, thus greatly increasing the efficiency of this project’s potential applications.

Keywords: flood, engineering, indicator, site suitability