Research Symposium

22nd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium

Alexander Sarmiento Poster Session 5: 1:30 - 2:15/Poster #8



My name is Alexander Sarmiento (pronounced sar-me-ento), and I am a first-year here at Florida State University pursuing the pre-med track. I was born and raised in Broward County, FL, and graduated from William T. McFatter high school, where I got certified as an Electrocardiograph technician and Patient Care technician. Since the second grade, I decided that I wanted to be involved in the medical field and have not looked back since then. My main motivations for pursuing this track revolve around my experiences with the poor living conditions and vast healthcare inequalities seen in third-world countries like Honduras, which is where my family is from. My ultimate goal is to be able to return to Honduras as an M.D. and provide essential medical services to rural and marginalized communities for free or at the lowest cost possible. I am very interested in the human body, helping marginalized communities, and improving and developing systems designed to improve the general quality of life.

Preparing for the next pandemic

Authors: Alexander Sarmiento, Dr. Joseph Grzywacz
Student Major: Biological Sciences
Mentor: Dr. Joseph Grzywacz
Mentor's Department: Human Development and Family Science
Mentor's College: College of Health and Human Sciences
Co-Presenters: Audrey Brenner, Anisa Gonzalez, Fiona Giardino, Ellia Giardino


Preparing for the Next Pandemic is a public health research project dedicated to finding ways to improve the overall health of agricultural laborers, especially regarding disease response and prevention. The specific aim of this research is to provide potential recommendations to farmworker organizations that will lower mortality and morbidity of disease in the farmworker community

Keywords: Pandemics, COVID-19, farmworkers