Research Symposium

22nd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium

Ann Lazo She/Her/Hers Poster Session 7: 3:30-4:15/Poster #63



Born and raised in Miami FL, to two Cuban parents. Interested in going to medical school with intentions of becoming an OB/GYN. I personally enjoy subjects such as Calculus, Biology, and Art History.

Statistical Literacy In Social Work

Authors: Ann Lazo, Daniel Dunleavy
Student Major: Biomedical Engineering
Mentor: Daniel Dunleavy
Mentor's Department: Social Work
Mentor's College: College of Social Work


Formal quantitative analyses are ubiquitous across the
biomedical (e.g., medicine, nursing biology) and social
sciences (e.g., psychology, sociology). As such, it is essential
that researchers be able to appropriately conduct,
interpret, and report statistical tests. However, little
research has been done to explore the level of
comprehension of social workers who often both assume
the role of consumers and producers of research statistics.
To explore this further, we conducted a survey of social
worker academics and practitioners - providing them with
two case vignettes (one on p-values and one on confidence
intervals) to assess for misinterpretation of reported
findings. The results at this time are preliminary –having
at this time collected data from 33 participants.

Keywords: Social Work, Statistics, Misinterpretation