Research Symposium

22nd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium

Alexandra Feng she/they Poster Session 6: 2:30 - 3:15/Poster #12



Hello! I am Alexandra Feng but I go by the nickname Lexi! I'm from Jacksonville, Florida but I was originally born in Charleston, West Virginia. I am majoring in Asian Studies with Emphasis in Business because I hope to someday work as an international marketing specialist that focuses on East Asian countries like China, Japan, and Korea. I am planning to study abroad in Seoul, South Korea through the Global Exchange Program here at FSU!

The Portrayal of Women in Female-directed Bollywood Films

Authors: Alexandra Feng, Rebecca Peters
Student Major: Asian Studies with Emphasis in Business
Mentor: Rebecca Peters
Mentor's Department: Religion
Mentor's College: Religion
Co-Presenters: Brianna Morales and Francesca Carravetta


Bollywood films are a popular form of entertainment in India. Producers and directors are recognized all over the world and their films reach places other than India. Our research project analyzes the portrayal of women characters in female-directed Bollywood films. We take into account how Indian cultural contexts differ when analyzing the roles of women. The Bollywood film industry is predominantly patriarchal, male-dominated, and oftentimes views women in society through the male gaze. Many female characters in Bollywood films were created to fit into these paradigmatic social norms. We collected data through watching a series of films and completing surveys analyzing the films. While our results are not finalized, we have noticed patterns depending on the time the film was produced and where the film takes place.

Keywords: Women, Bollywood, Female