Research Symposium

22nd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium

Jonathan Cushman He/Him Poster Session 3: 11:00-11:45/Poster #13



Hey everyone, my name is Jonathan Cushman and I am a sophomore here at Florida State studying Real Estate and Risk Management. I am originally from East Hanover, NJ, and have aspirations of starting my own real estate corporation. I enjoy working out, reading, and spending time with my fraternity brothers.

Creating a Culture. How does the physical atmosphere of the RIDER Center communicate a culture of STEM to Stakeholders?

Authors: Jonathan Cushman, Will Hill
Student Major: Real Estate and Risk Management
Mentor: Will Hill
Mentor's Department: RIDER Center
Mentor's College: FAMU-FSU College of Engineering
Co-Presenters: N/A


The importance of STEM has consistently been on the rise throughout recent history and becomes more apparent each day. It seems that every day there is a new game-changing invention that helps to make our lives easier and more efficient, helping to save time and energy. This is why it has become more important than ever before that STEM is being communicated effectively to stakeholders who are so important in the development of new inventions. This study aims to focus on how STEM can be effectively communicated to shareholders, specifically through the physical atmosphere of the RIDER Center and the immense diversity of the group to create a culture. The study uses the RIDER center's already established spaces along with its diverse team member to promote a culture that centers around STEM, making it easier to communicate the idea of development over time to investors. Developing an interior that incorporates the cultural diversity within the RIDER Center will help to create a positive environment that should have a beneficial influence on productivity. Additionally, an inviting and inclusive environment should make it easier to communicate the idea of STEM to prospective stakeholders.

Keywords: Culture, Diversity, Physical Atmosphere