Research Symposium

22nd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium

Silvia Garcia Poster Session 7: 3:30 - 4:15/Poster #20



I am sophomore at Florida State and I am from Miami, FL. I am currently a public health major with a minor in childhood development and I want to go to nursing school after I graduate. My future career goals is to be a Travel Nurse and then hopefully a Nurse Practioner. My research interest include topics about minority groups, global health, women, and healthcare.

Women Representation in Bollywood Films

Authors: Silvia Garcia, Rebecca Peters
Student Major: Public Heath
Mentor: Rebecca Peters
Mentor's Department: Department of Religion
Mentor's College: College of Arts and Sciences
Co-Presenters: Zoe Dupler and Jaidyn Smith


Cinema and other cultural artifacts inhabit a special place in a cultural landscape because they both influence and are influenced by the societies in which they originate. For this reason, our research project has focused on the portrayal of women in Bollywood, the film industry of India, where women have traditionally been characterized according to misogynist interpretation of a woman’s role in society. The intention is to collect quantitative data that may provide more information to determine if cultural expectations are portrayed more divergently, specifically for female characters when there is a female director. Following the methodology of several US-based studies on gender in Hollywood, this project uses film coding to determine the types and frequency of women's representation. Each female character within the films is examined in clothing, religion, relationships, education, and taboo behavior and is coded accordingly into the system. This project is still at its initial stages; therefore, we cannot have conclusive data/results. However, we can see trends across the films we have finished coding.

Keywords: Cinema, Women, Religion