Research Symposium

24th annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 3, 2024

Colleen Gruzewski she/they Poster Session 3: 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm /75



My name is Colleen Gruzewski and I am a first-generation student from Chicago, Illinois. My studies have revolved around my passion for advocating for improving access to mental healthcare, especially in psychiatric settings. I am especially interested in research in this area and have been using what I've learned and my own experiences to contribute to the fieldwork.

A Comparison of Measures in the Analysis of CEO Psychopathy

Authors: Colleen Gruzewski, Chris Patrick
Student Major: Social Work & Psychology
Mentor: Chris Patrick
Mentor's Department: Psychology
Mentor's College: Florida State University
Co-Presenters: Zach Helms


“Given that research on psychopathy was conducted for many years in forensic settings using measures designed for use with criminal offenders, the question arises: What do psychopathic individuals look like who are not behind bars – but instead have managed to achieve some degree of success in their occupational pursuits?” (Lowman, Bertoli & Patrick, 2018). While there evidently is a variety of research on criminal psychopathy, there appears to be a lack of understanding on how psychopathy can be applied to the workplace setting. Current research suggests that increasing interest in psychopathy in the workplace could be a valuable focus, yet there has not been adequate scientific research to characterize it effectively (Smith & Lilienfield, 2013). We will focus on one underrepresented area - psychopathic tendencies of CEOs in the workplace - through the Levenson Self-Report Psychopathy Scale (LSRP) and triarchic psychopathy measure (TriPM) ratings obtained through various statistical measures. More specifically, we are using the Levenson Self-Report Psychopathy Scale and the Psychopathic Personality. The study is currently ongoing and will be anticipated to conclude in April 2024. We hypothesize that our findings will point to a variety of psychopathy levels between CEOs, based on these scales. We hope that our findings will contribute to understanding the significance of psychopathic tendencies of leaders in the workplace.


Keywords: Psychopathy TriPM CEO LSRP