UROP Project

quantum, photonics, qubits, spin
Research Mentor: Prof. Lukasz Dusanowski, he/him/his
Department, College, Affiliation: Electrical & Computer Engineering, FAMU-FSU College of Engineering
Contact Email: dusanowski@eng.famu.fsu.edu
Research Assistant Supervisor (if different from mentor):
Research Assistant Supervisor Email:
Faculty Collaborators:
Faculty Collaborators Email:
Looking for Research Assistants: Yes
Number of Research Assistants: 2
Relevant Majors: Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Physics, Chemistry
Project Location: FAMU-FSU College of Engineering
Research Assistant Transportation Required: FSU buss runs between the main campus and College of Engineering every 30 minutes
Remote or In-person: Partially Remote
Approximate Weekly Hours: 10 hours a week,
Roundtable Times and Zoom Link: Not participating in the Roundtable

Project Description

Quantum technologies hold immense potential for revolutionizing computing, communication, and sensing, offering unprecedented capabilities beyond the limits of classical technologies. The ability to control qubits - fundamental units of quantum information, analogous to a bit in classical computing, with high precision is crucial for realizing practical quantum systems. This research project aims to investigate new types of qubits in solid-state materials and develop techniques to manipulate them using light. This will pave the way for generating multi-particle entanglement, quantum state transfer, quantum networks, and optical quantum information processing. For that purpose, we will explore different types of nanophotonic structures and utilize their unique properties, such as their ability to confine light at the nanoscale to enhance the interaction between light and qubits. By joining our group, you will be involved in the design, fabrication, and experimental investigations of nanophotonic devices in various platforms hosting spin-qubits. You will have the unique opportunity to gain expertise in multiple fields, such as photonics, quantum optics, and materials science. In particular, you might be involved in designing nanophotonic devices using advanced simulation techniques, such as Finite-Difference Time-Domain simulations, and incorporating machine learning concepts to explore a vast design space and identify optimal configurations for specific quantum applications. The fabrication of these photonic devices will utilize cutting-edge nanofabrication techniques, such as Focused Ion Beam milling, which allows for precise patterning and sculpting of nanostructures with high spatial resolution. Experimental investigations will be conducted using state-of-the-art optical spectroscopy techniques. No prior experience in photonics or quantum technologies is required.

Research Tasks: Literature review,
Numerical simulations,
Building optical setups,
Running spectroscopic experiments,
Data collection and analysis.

Skills that research assistant(s) may need: Time management: required,
Problem-solving: required,
Laboratory skills: recommended,
Programming (Python, Matlab): recommended,
Data collection and analysis: recommended.

Mentoring Philosophy

As a mentor, my primary focus is to provide academic guidance and support tailored to each student's unique needs and aspirations. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and experiences with the younger generation, not only to help them achieve their goals but also to gain fresh perspectives that each student brings to the table. Mentorship is a reciprocal relationship, and I value the opportunity to learn from the diverse viewpoints and ideas that my mentees contribute. I am committed to helping students navigate their academic and professional journeys by offering personalized advice and resources that align with their individual career goals. My approach is hands-on, ensuring that each mentee receives the attention and feedback necessary to thrive in their respective fields. Participants in my research program will be part of a recently established group, which presents unique opportunities to shape its dynamics and influence the direction of our research directions and activities. This environment allows for a very personal approach, where quick feedback and open communication are integral to our success. I believe that fostering a supportive and dynamic mentoring relationship is key to empowering students to reach their full potential.

Additional Information

Link to Publications

Group website - www.dusanowskilab.eng.famu.fsu.edu ; Google Scholar - https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=j8RLr90AAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao