UROP Project

Environmental sustainability sustainable materials
Research Mentor: Dr. Stephanie Burrs,
Department, College, Affiliation: SSUA, FAMU-FSU College of Engineering
Contact Email: sburrs@eng.famu.fsu.edu
Research Assistant Supervisor (if different from mentor):
Research Assistant Supervisor Email:
Faculty Collaborators:
Faculty Collaborators Email:
Looking for Research Assistants: Yes
Number of Research Assistants: 6
Relevant Majors: Mechanical, Chemical, Biomedical, Civil, Industrial Engineering
Project Location: FAMU-FSU College of Engineering, 2525 Potsdamer Rd.
Research Assistant Transportation Required: Yes
Remote or In-person: Partially Remote
Approximate Weekly Hours: 5,
Roundtable Times and Zoom Link: Not participating in the Roundtable

Project Description

Stochastic multicriteria decision analysis has been used to make design decisions for many applications where decision makers are faced with complex combinations of criteria with diverse data types. Advanced composite materials consisting of various combinations of carbon nanomaterials, smart polymers and biomolecules are being selected for large scale applications where performance data is limited and material characterization is not standard. Decision analysis algorithms to support these decisions require expert data and clearly defined criteria which can be gathered using a variety of advanced techniques.

Research Tasks: Research assistants will gather data by way of thorough literature searches. Presentation of literature review results will be required weekly and generative ai methods will be applied to some searches.
Weekly Reading Assignment
Develop data summaries
Populate literature search tables
Interact and collaborate with team

Skills that research assistant(s) may need: Excel basics recommended

Mentoring Philosophy

My mentoring philosophy is grounded in three key values: trust, respect, and accountability. Trust is cultivated over time and with consistent behavior that reinforces safety, confidence, and freedom of expression. Each interaction with mentees should include intentional focus on creating an environment that is safe from risk of harm, while creating opportunities to increase self-confidence and to have their voices heard. Respect is a two-way street, and modeling respect provides mentees a clear guideline for how to show respect. Respectful communication is one example of how we create a culture of respect for mentees and mentors. A willingness to be vulnerable also encourages mentees to ask for help, share their thoughts/opinions, and open themselves up to correction and constructive criticism. Finally, accountability is key to personal development, as agreements must be clearly communicated and frequently evaluated for compliance. Our ability to follow through on our agreements helps us to grow and to monitor our performance with respect to our own goals. Structured meetings and frequent review of written agreements helps to facilitate the development of a culture of trust, respect and accountability. The goal is to assist the mentee in achieving their self-defined professional and personal development goals.

Additional Information

Link to Publications