UROP Project
Machine Learning; Coding; Manufacturing; 3D Printing
Research Mentor: Raghav Gnanasambandam,
Department, College, Affiliation: Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, FAMU-FSU College of Engineering
Contact Email: raghavg@eng.famu.fsu.edu
Research Assistant Supervisor (if different from mentor):
Research Assistant Supervisor Email:
Faculty Collaborators:
Faculty Collaborators Email:
Department, College, Affiliation: Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, FAMU-FSU College of Engineering
Contact Email: raghavg@eng.famu.fsu.edu
Research Assistant Supervisor (if different from mentor):
Research Assistant Supervisor Email:
Faculty Collaborators:
Faculty Collaborators Email:
Looking for Research Assistants: Yes
Number of Research Assistants: 1
Relevant Majors: Open to all majors
Project Location: FAMU-FSU College of Engineering/Remote
Research Assistant Transportation Required: - Remote or In-person: Partially Remote
Approximate Weekly Hours: 5,
Roundtable Times and Zoom Link: Wednesday, Sept. 4, 12.30 - 1.00 (https://fsu.zoom.us/my/raghavg)
Wednesday, Sept. 4, 1.00 - 1.30 (https://fsu.zoom.us/my/raghavg)
Wednesday, Sept. 4, 4.00 - 4.30 (https://fsu.zoom.us/my/raghavg)
Number of Research Assistants: 1
Relevant Majors: Open to all majors
Project Location: FAMU-FSU College of Engineering/Remote
Research Assistant Transportation Required: - Remote or In-person: Partially Remote
Approximate Weekly Hours: 5,
Roundtable Times and Zoom Link: Wednesday, Sept. 4, 12.30 - 1.00 (https://fsu.zoom.us/my/raghavg)
Wednesday, Sept. 4, 1.00 - 1.30 (https://fsu.zoom.us/my/raghavg)
Wednesday, Sept. 4, 4.00 - 4.30 (https://fsu.zoom.us/my/raghavg)
Project Description
AI models are everywhere: in self-driving cars, social media feed recommendations, and ChatGPT. These models rely on vast amounts of data (perhaps online). Accurate scientific data is usually small; only a few trained engineers and scientists can work with it. This project aims to develop a scientific AI model for engineering/scientific tasks to enhance metal 3D printing. It involves creating an AI model based on fundamental scientific principles, a tool that will revolutionize the field. This project falls into the broad category of Scientific Machine Learning, an exciting new developing multi-disciplinary field.Research Tasks: 1. Study the standard physics problems (e.g., projectile motion) from a machine-learning perspective.
2. Learn to code physics problems in Julia (a programming language).
3. Study the basic science of metal 3D printing.
4. Apply the scientific principles of metal 3D printing to learn its potential and possibly improve.
Skills that research assistant(s) may need: Some Knowledge of Calculus (required)
Some Familiarity with Coding (recommended)
Mentoring Philosophy
"It's in making decisions that we learn to decide" - Paulo Freire. To learn is to get better at making decisions. Decision-making requires identifying and understanding problems and applying skills to solve them.Problem-based learning: Real-world problems are complex and multidisciplinary. The problem-based learning approach gives the students a problem they are excited about so that they can develop the skills to solve it. As a mentor, I guide them in the right direction and help them develop the skills they want instead of a "learn-then-solve" approach.
Learning to Learn: With the rapidly changing skills required for the technology-influenced world, everyone must grow to be lifelong learners. In addition to the skills needed to complete the project, I intend to develop a growth mindset toward learning. Providing sufficient space and time to learn and adequate feedback (weekly 30-minute meetings) to motivate learning complex skills helps them develop the research mindset.