Research Symposium

22nd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium

Justin Gonzalez he/him Poster Session 1: 9:00 - 9:45/Poster #36



Hello, my name is Justin Gonzalez, and I am an FSU junior transfer student from Miami, FL. My research interests include synoptic meteorology, tropical meteorology, and education. Currently, I plan on attending graduate school once my undergraduate program is complete. In graduate school, I plan on researching tropical meteorology as it relates to hurricanes. Once I get my master's, I plan on entering the forecasting field. Ultimately, my career goal is to become a forecaster for the National Hurricane Center.

Developing Video Content to Engage Students in STEM

Authors: Justin Gonzalez, Hannah Hiester
Student Major: Meteorology
Mentor: Hannah Hiester
Mentor's Department: Department of Biological Science
Mentor's College: College of Arts and Sciences
Co-Presenters: Nikki Kanakis


In the growing digital age, videos are a useful source of accessible learning material. However, it is important to design and use videos effectively to maximize benefit to the learner and to avoid misusing technology. The purpose of this study is to create guidelines for instructors to use in the creation of multimedia video lessons, specifically focusing on STEM subjects. These guidelines direct instructors to design videos that support effective learning through consideration of essential and generative processing, motivation, and elimination of extraneous elements. The guidelines were constructed through a comprehensive literature review of multimedia video learning and video design, examining the effects of video structure, modes of instruction, emotion and motivation, and other aspects of video learning. In addition, this study included designing and creating sample videos that adhere to the guidelines. Overall, the guidelines are a useful tool for STEM education, providing a baseline for the creation of impactful videos.

Keywords: STEM, video, students, engage