Research Symposium

22nd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium

Olivia Martin She/Her Poster Session 7: 3:30 - 4:15/Poster #4



I'm currently a first-year student at Florida State, majoring in Political Science, I hope to pursue law school in the future. I'm from Lake Worth Florida, and a fun fact about myself is that I am a triplet!

Emotions and Social Media Use: Youth Experiences of Different Online Phenomenon

Authors: Olivia Martin, Vanessa Dennen
Student Major: Political Science, History
Mentor: Vanessa Dennen
Mentor's Department: Psychology
Mentor's College: College of Education
Co-Presenters: Eva Rucinski, Maddie Massmann, Martina Rojas, Sofia Bernal


Social media has become more prominent in the 21st century and has facilitated easier modes of communication. However, with the emergence of social media, many individuals have started associating social media in both a negative and positive light. This study investigates possible correlations between social media and feelings of negative and positive emotions while also conducting a meta-analysis to investigate trends that are related to this field of study. The objective of this research was to investigate why individuals experience these varieties of emotions and provide more knowledge to this current field of literature. Additionally, it is also a way to provide more knowledge than what is known about current studies. Participants involved in this study were asked to complete a Qualtrics survey that offered in depth questions about emotions experienced while doing certain tasks on social media. Afterwards, participants were asked two long answer questions about one time they experienced both positive and negative emotions while on social media

Keywords: Social media, shame, guilt, teens, youth