Research Symposium

23rd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 6, 2023

Marc Jacobs He/Him Poster Session 4: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm/ Poster #303

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Hi everyone! My name is Marc Jacobs from Maitland Fl, and I am currently studying mechanical engineering at Florida State University. In my free time, I enjoy hiking, kayaking, and playing tennis.

An Intervention Program On Assisting Transition For The First-Year College Students With Disabilities

Authors: Marc Jacobs, Dr. Shengli Dong
Student Major: Pre-Mechanical Engineering
Mentor: Dr. Shengli Dong
Mentor's Department: Department of Educational Psychology and Learning Systems
Mentor's College: College of Education


• The goal of the research is to evaluate the way to empower college students with disabilities to have a successful start to their educational career. The Engage 100 course designed for students with disabilities was evaluated to determine how students felt before and after compared to those who did not take the course. Regarding the participant pool, there were fifty participants all of whom were first year students of a diverse background. In this study, there were thirty-six students in the control group and fourteen in the experimental groups. All students self identified as having disabilities, registered with the OAS office, and gave informed consent to participate. Students that participated in the Engage 100 course were found to score higher in all areas of wellbeing and social success. The results show that the Engage 100 model is successful. Connecting students with disabilities to resources and support early in their educational career was instrumental in their success.

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Keywords: Transition for Students with Disabilities