Research Symposium

23rd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 6, 2023

Carter Thomas He/Him Poster Session 2: 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm/ Poster #74



I am a sophomore here at FSU majoring in electrical engineering with a heavy interest in avionics and aeronautics. I have chosen to perform my research in the Center for Advanced Power Systems where I can bridge my interest in electrical engineering and aeronautics through the development of an all electric aircraft. I am also involved in the American Institute of Aerospace and Aeronautics where I have the opportunity to work with the avionics systems. In addition to my involvement with various campus clubs and organizations, I enjoy helping other students to respark their passion or provide them with the resources to succeed. I do this by working as a STEM Student Support Specialist in FSU's Academic Center for Excellence. I plan on pursuing a career in aeronautical systems and hope to once day acquire a professional engineering license and open my own engineering firm. In the mean time, I am enjoying my time in school through hands on research opportunities and involvement with on campus clubs and organizations.

Exploration of Zero Emission Aircraft

Authors: Carter Thomas, Peter Cheetham
Student Major: Electrical Engineering
Mentor: Peter Cheetham
Mentor's Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Department
Mentor's College: FAMU-FSU College of Engineering


Most are aware of the devastation the airline industry is causing on our environment. The millions of miles of fuel that is gone through each day to get millions of people to their destinations. There is no doubt that the airline industry has turned into a foundational aspect of our society, but a foundational aspect that is slowly killing our society with all of the pollutants produced. This project is partnered with Integrated Zero Emission Aviation (IZEA) for multiple partner universities to come together and produce a hybrid electric aircraft. My UROP project has been involved with the high temperature superconductor (HTS) cables and their design and placement in the aircraft, along with the creation of a prototype of this aircraft to test the dimensions and where each generator and cable will lie. I am working on my UROP project individually, but apart of a much greater team of people that is working over the course of years to see this project come to light. There is a lot of planning and prototyping at this stage in the project, but this must be done and the proper research conducted before the hybrid aircraft will get off the ground.

UROPPoster Presentation.jpg

Keywords: Airline, Electric, Hybrid, Aircraft, Propulsion