Research Symposium

23rd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 6, 2023

Carmel Coombe Poster Session 1: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm/ Poster #97



My name is Carmel Coombe and I am a sophomore majoring in Cell and Molecular Neuroscience on the Pre-Med track. UROP has helped spark my interest in research because I got to learn what truly goes into putting together an entire research project. I would love to continue working in research labs and on research projects in the future.

The Effects of Postpartum Anxiety On Young Children

Authors: Carmel Coombe, Qiong Wu
Student Major: Cell and Molecular Neuroscience
Mentor: Qiong Wu
Mentor's Department: Department of Human Development & Family Science
Mentor's College: College of Health and Human Sciences


Maternal postpartum anxiety is a common phenomenon among new mothers. This anxiety of course affect’s mothers, however postpartum anxiety also can have a lasting effect on children. Postpartum anxiety is similar to postpartum depression, however the anxious behaviors mothers exhibit could have different effects on children’s personalities in the future. Exploring this condition allows researchers to identify what specific symptoms of postpartum anxiety mothers experience that are particularly harmful to their children in order to understand child development in the early stages of life better.

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Keywords: Anxiety, Postpartum, Children, Mental Health