Research Symposium

23rd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 6, 2023

Eric Kim Poster Session 1: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm/ Poster #155

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I'm from Tampa, Florida and I'm a psychology major. This is my first poster presentation at the Undergraduate Research Symposium. Through this poster, I want to show peoples' metacognitive processes in planning and evaluation through probabilistic reasoning and geometric proofs tasks.

Probabilistic Reasoning and Geometric Proof Coding in Tallahassee, Florida

Authors: Eric Kim, David Braithwaite
Student Major: Psychology
Mentor: David Braithwaite
Mentor's Department: Psychology
Mentor's College: Indiana University


In my poster, the research’s purpose is to understand whether Probabilistic Reasoning (PR) and Geometric Proofs (GP) problems cause or do not cause college students to choose certain answers. PR and GP were the study’s two sections. The original study was called Processes in Adults’ Geometry Proof and Math Reasoning.
So far, one interesting finding was that most college students do not show both planning and evaluation. The first task was beginning coding for students who did the study’s PR problems. Through this, another finding was found which was that many people did not show planning unless they said a plan right away before doing any calculations. Instead of showing planning, people said what they were going to do as they were calculating. It was interesting to find that many people showed evaluation when they gave an initial answer and then gave reasoning for their answer.
The results showed that most people ended up in the middle. People either showed one of planning or evaluation for the PR and GP sections. College students chose certain answers based on their level of math knowledge. Students with much math knowledge may not show planning or evaluation in the transcripts because they do not need both components to solve the problem. Other people decided to show planning or evaluation because they are unsure of certain math problems and they want to take their time showing their process to solve a problem. These people are more likely to show one of planning or evaluation.

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Keywords: metacognition, coding, probabilistic, geometric