Research Symposium

23rd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 6, 2023

Chelsey Ramer She/Her Poster Session 1: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm/ Poster #208



Hi! I am a Sophomore at FSU from Prospect, Kentucky. I am pursuing a career in medicine, particularly psychiatry.

Optical Detection of Magnetic Resonance

Authors: Chelsey Ramer, Hans Van tol
Student Major: Psychology
Mentor: Hans Van tol
Mentor's Department: NHMFL
Mentor's College: National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
Co-Presenters: Adele Menenzes


The objective of our UROP project this year was to design and manufacture an optimized sample holder for optical detection of triplet states in electron paramagnetic resonance. Electron paramagnetic resonance is a spectrometry technique used to study the selective absorption of specific frequency electromagnetic radiation in unpaired electrons when subjected to a continuous an strong magnetic field. The sample holder is important to this process in the way that it is the point of both light entrance and excitation, and when optimized it will be able to give a more clear reading on the excited triplet state shifts. To design this sample holder, my partner and I used a 3D modeling software as well as a 3D printer to model our final product. We have not yet collected data with our sample holder, but we have collected comparative data with a non optimized sample holder and our chosen sample- pentacene. We expect to have data ready by the time we have to print our poster as we are only waiting for the machinery department to finish building our sample holder. The overall importance of this research includes application in solar energy, allowing more power to be harnesses for longer through solar panels and providing renewable energy.


Keywords: Optics, Physics, spectroscopy