Research Symposium

23rd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 6, 2023

Isabela Alvarado she/her/hers Poster Session 2: 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm/ Poster #204



My name is Isabela and I am a transfer student from Panama City, Panama. I am a senior majoring in psychology. I enjoy playing volleyball with my friends, watching TV shows, cooking, and attempting to make ceramics.

Loneliness, Commitment, Well-being, and the Role of Shared Time in Close Relationships

Authors: Isabela Alvarado, Thomas Ledermann
Student Major: Psychology
Mentor: Thomas Ledermann
Mentor's Department: Human Development and Family Sciences
Mentor's College: College of Health and Human Sciences
Co-Presenters: Bogdan Lazurenko


In married heterosexual couples we can expect to see the following trends:
Wives who experience more stress spend less time with their husbands. However, the amount of stress experienced by husbands seems to be less correlated with the amount of time they share with their wives.
Wives who feel more satisfied with their marriage will likely spend more time with their husbands. On the other hand, husband’s satisfaction with the marriage has a lesser correlation with increased shared time.
Spending more time with their spouse can lead to lesser feelings of depression for women. Shared time seems to have the same effect for men, although the correlation is weaker.
In general, wives who experience depression will be less satisfied with their marriage. Husbands expressed a weaker correlation of the same trend.
Surprisingly, husbands who are more satisfied with their marriage tend to experience less anxiety. This also applies to wives, but to a lesser extent.

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Keywords: loneliness, shared time, relationships, commitment, well-being