Research Symposium

23rd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 6, 2023

Samuel Christensen He/Him Poster Session 2: 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm/ Poster #8



Currently, I am trying to receive my bachelor's in Economics with a minor in Business Analytics due to my interest in gaining valuable insights from data analysis and research. My career goals as of right now are unclear, but I would love to have a career that helps others with their finances or consults a business on more sustainable and economical business practices. In my free time, I enjoy using the lessons I have learned in class to apply them to my own finances to apply my analytics skills in the real world. Apart from academics, I enjoy watching soccer and Formula One, with my favorite team being Manchester City.

Assessing the Social Side of Corporate Sustainability

Authors: Samuel Christensen, Kassie Ernst
Student Major: Economics
Mentor: Kassie Ernst
Mentor's Department: Engineer Undergrad Acad & Stdt (ENG_STDT) 212008
Mentor's College: FAMU-FSU College of Engineering
Co-Presenters: Ryan Shinn, Sheevam Patel, Auria Rembert, Ethan Correa


This study aims to identify current social sustainability metrics and understand the role they play in fostering corporate social responsibility (CSR). We examined consumer and stockholder demand for sustainable products and the net benefits of engaging in environmental and social sustainability practices. Next, we compiled social and environmental sustainability metrics and constructed a consumer-facing sustainability framework, entitled the Corporate Sustainability Indicator (CSI). We centered our framework around social and environmental sustainability in the agri-food industry and evaluated two chocolate companies, Alter-Eco and Tony’s Chocolonely. Then we compared the results of the the CSI with the results of an existing framework, the Good Shopping Guide (GSG). Based off the data collected in the case study, we will assess the effectiveness of the CSI. Our results can be beneficial to corporations, small businesses, governmental agencies, shareholders, and consumers among other entities.


Keywords: Sustainability, Sustainability Metrics, Consumer Products