Research Symposium

23rd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 6, 2023

Lorenzo Lindquist Poster Session 4: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm/ Poster #282



My name is Lorenzo Lindquist, and I am a sophomore at FSU double majoring in actuarial science and statistics. I grew up playing soccer and refereeing youth games. During my first two years here I have been learning about the foundations of statistics, and this is a perfect combination for research involving creating statistical models to predict future soccer results. While this project is in its early stages, I have made progress and coded a baseline model with promising results. My career goals include having a job in which I have to work with data and create statistical models for a living.

Simulating Soccer Seasons Using Bivariate Poisson Distributions

Authors: Lorenzo Lindquist, Dr. Mohammad Nooranidoost
Student Major: Statistics and Actuarial Science
Mentor: Dr. Mohammad Nooranidoost
Mentor's Department: Department of Mathematics
Mentor's College: University of Central Florida


In this research project me and my mentor analyzed ways to simulate future soccer seasons in various leagues by looking at the previous season's data. Using Python 3 code we created bivariate Poisson matrices in order to find the probability of the final result of each match in a season. We then used Monte Carlo Methods to simulate these matches over and over in order to try to predict the final results of each season.


Keywords: Statistics, Poisson, Monte Carlo Method