Research Symposium

23rd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 6, 2023

Olivia Watson she/her/hers Poster Session 3: 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm/ Poster #375

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Hello! My name is Olivia Watson, and I am a second-year student. I am majoring in Media and Communication Studies and minoring in Criminology while following a pre-law path. My interests include social justice, creating cultural awareness within society, and using the resources I have been provided to help others in need. Additionally, I have been interested in exploring the racial disparities in the healthcare system and the stigma that affects minority families' access to healthcare services. One of my goals is to reduce such racial disparities and stigma that exist to help minority families or caregivers raising children with Autism Spectrum Disorder access the proper services and resources to enhance their child's success. I also hope to create more awareness of Autism, especially in minority communities, so that individuals with ASD are supported within society.

Exploring the Experiences of Black Parents and Caregivers Raising Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Authors: Olivia Watson, Rose Skepple
Student Major: Media and Communication Studies
Mentor: Rose Skepple
Mentor's Department: School of Teacher Education
Mentor's College: College of Education


While there have been improvements in systems and services to better support children or individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder, parents and caregivers still experience various stressors related to raising a child with ASD. To better understand such stressors and the experiences of parents and caregivers raising a Black child with ASD, a comprehensive literature review was conducted for this study. Articles were analyzed for common themes, such as parents lacking proper services, feeling fearful for their children, and feeling unsupported. Further themes include racial disparities in the healthcare system and stigma concerning ASD. Additionally, an interview was conducted with an advocate for ASD, and a web survey was distributed to parents and caregivers located in the Tallahassee area. The data collected from the articles, the surveys, and the interview illuminate strategies that need to be implemented to mitigate stressors or other factors experienced by the parents of Black children with ASD.


Keywords: Autism Spectrum Disorder, Black families, Minority families, Autism Awareness