Research Symposium

23rd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 6, 2023

Samuel Talevich He/Him Poster Session 4: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm/ Poster #350



Hi! My name is Samuel Talevich, I am a pre-med chemistry major here at FSU. I was born and raised in Tallahassee, FL and I love all aspects of science. My research interests include chemistry, medicine, biology, and materials science- where most of my research is now. I hope to continue research in the future as a sugeon.

3D Printing of Ceramic Composites for Aerospace and Biomedical Applications​

Authors: Samuel Talevich, Dr. Zhibin Yu
Student Major: Chemistry
Mentor: Dr. Zhibin Yu
Mentor's Department: Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
Mentor's College: Famu-FSU College of Engineering
Co-Presenters: NA


Compared to other materials, ceramics have high tensile strength, high melting points, low electrical conductivity, low thermal expansion, and are chemically inert. Combing these properties with the tough and flexible properties of polymers creates a ceramic composite with surprisingly powerful properties making them ideal materials for aerospace and biomedical applications. Unfortunately, current manufacturing techniques like sintering powders make synthesizing ceramic composites inefficient and cause errors in the form of cracks due to the brittle nature of ceramics. Additionally, sintering prevents the printing of complex shapes. Currently, 3D printing shows promising results for printing and curing ceramics in large quantities and complex shapes. Over the past year, the Yu Group has aimed to harness the powerful abilities of composite ceramics by successfully 3D printing a composite material. Additionally, the Yu Group has aimed to improve the mechanical and physical properties of composite ceramics using SMP-10 ceramic precursor, toluene, and boron nitrate nanotubes (BNNT), with my role consisting of determining the correct chemical ratio for the composite as well as the ideal printing process.

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Keywords: Materials Science, Engineering, Chemistry, 3D Printing