Research Symposium

23rd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 6, 2023

Olivia Longo Poster Session 1: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm/ Poster #164



I am currently a freshman at Florida State University majoring in biological sciences. I hope to pursue some kind of career in the medical field, specifically something relating to cancer research, and am considering attending graduate school. I would really like to explore different treatments for cancer, especially at the cell level. I am involved in the FSU chapter of the American Medical Women’s Association (AMWA) where I participate in volunteering opportunities and get to study and talk with other women who are on a similar path as me. I am also involved in CHAARG, an all women fitness group to help improve my health and wellbeing. I am so grateful for the opportunity that UROP has provided me to become involved with research on campus.

Purpose and Engagement in Everyday Life (PEEL)

Authors: Olivia Longo, Angelina Sutin
Student Major: Biology
Mentor: Angelina Sutin
Mentor's Department: Professor
Mentor's College: College of Medicine
Co-Presenters: Abigail Hayward


The progression of cognitive decline, in connection with personality and purpose in life, has not been fully explored in current research. New evidence suggests that psychological factors, such as purpose and motivation, largely affect the rate of cognitive decline. This research focuses on finding out if a sense of purpose in life is connected to cognitive performance in adults ages 65 and older. Purpose in Life “reflects a life that is goal-oriented and driven” and it can help lead one to better physical health, mental health, and improved episodic memory. An episodic Memory can help support better cognition because the brain is better at storing and retrieving information. The study that influenced PEEL occurred during the Covid-19 Pandemic in the United States, ultimately addressing the “depressed affect” among participants and Covid related memories.

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Keywords: purpose, cognition, psychology