Research Symposium

23rd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 6, 2023

McKenna Hartigan She/Her Poster Session 1: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm/ Poster #246



McKenna is a sophomore from Tampa, Florida pursuing a double major in political science and history along with a certificate in emergency management. She is a member of Alpha Gamma Delta and a University Ambassador. She hopes to attend law school after graduation.

Rebuilding Community After Disaster: Learning from Hurricane Michael and Panama City

Authors: McKenna Hartigan, Efraim Roxas
Student Major: Political Science & Hiistory
Mentor: Efraim Roxas
Mentor's Department: Geography
Mentor's College: College of Social Science and Public Policy


Hurricane Michael made landfall on Florida’s panhandle as a category 5 hurricane on October 10, 2018. Nearly four years after the Hurricane, the coastal communities of Panama City are still working to rebuild and recover from the destruction of the storm. This research seeks to understand the factors that contribute to vulnerability and resilience of different communities to hurricane impact but also to recovery and rebuilding efforts. Specifically, the research looks at how different communities respond to disasters but also how disasters re/shape communities. Focusing on historically disadvantaged communities commonly referred to as “vulnerable communities” which are often perceived as passive recipients of help during disaster-recovery and how they came together in exercise of agency through acts of community care. We conducted interviews with different community members and leaders in Panama City, Florida as well as reviewed plans and activities conducted by the local government and community-based organizations. Results showed that although traditionally disadvantaged communities are usually worst off during disasters, the sense of community or community coming together is fairly common immediately after a disaster. Recovery and resilience building after a disaster is also a site of contestation to either return to the uneven development or move towards a more just City where the local government as well as organizing of “vulnerable” communities have an important role to play.

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Keywords: Hurricane, Panama City, Disaster, Recovery