Research Symposium
22nd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium
Madelyn Dupuis She/Her Poster Session 4: 12:30 - 1:15/Poster #38
Hi! My name is Madelyn Dupuis. I'm from West Palm Beach, Florida and I'm a sophomore here at Florida State. Currently, I am double-majoring in Pre-Nursing and Public Health and minoring in Business Analytics. I enjoy researching topics related to health care. Outside of research, I have interests in cardiology and women's health, with a long term goal of possibly becoming a nurse executive for a hospital.
Towards and AI-based Application to Support Lab Results Comprehension
Authors: Madelyn Dupuis, Zhe HeStudent Major: Nursing & Public Health
Mentor: Zhe He
Mentor's Department: Computer Science/eHealth Mentor's College: College of Communication and Education Co-Presenters:
The purpose of this project is to create an application for users to view lab test results and suggest accurate implications based on their medical health results. This project is currently in the researching and gathering data phase. In our literary analysis we have found that through great medical advancements people in the U.S are living longer. We also found that in the U.S, most adults have more than one chronic condition, the majority being elderly. Although they can seek treatment at a hospital, for many of these chronic illnesses the symptoms can be managed or lessened from home without constant doctor visits. For this reason, medical facilities often make use of patient portals so that patients may easily view their results and make more informed health decisions from home. Despite the benefits, these patient portals are not seeing much usage by the target audience: elderly patients with chronic conditions. The main reason for this is that many patients do not find these portals user friendly. Another large problem is that lab test results are not easily understood or read by many patients with limited health literacy. Our goal is to make a portal better suited for this target audience so that they are able to view their lab test information and as a result make informed health decisions from the home while also gaining an understanding of what their health results mean.
Keywords: Health, Informatics, Lab, Result, Comprehension