Research Symposium
23rd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 6, 2023
Talia Lawrence Poster Session 4: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm/ Poster #387
I'm Talia Lawrence, a second-year student at Florida State University. Computer science is the academic subject I'm pursuing because of its constantly advancing innovations and many different job opportunities . In addition to writing and debugging, I also enjoy reading, exercising, and learning about various linguistic cultures. I value myself as being a person who is extremely ambitious and goal-oriented and who works hard to succeed in all phases of life.
Breaking Down the Code: An Examination of User Feedback on YouTube Programming Tutorials
Authors: Talia Lawrence, Sonia HaiducStudent Major: Computer Science
Mentor: Sonia Haiduc
Mentor's Department: Computer Science Mentor's College: Arts and Science Co-Presenters:
There are thousands of videos on YouTube about a plethora of coding topics, but not all tutorials are made equal. Some may have millions of views but are extremely unhelpful while others may only have a few hundred views and be helpful but not deemed successful by the YouTube algorithm. My mentor and I aim to analyze the factors that contribute to the success or failure of YouTube videos in the software developer and programming tutorial niche. By collecting and analyzing data on viewership, engagement, and other relevant metrics, the project seeks to identify key characteristics of successful videos, such as video length, presentation style, and topic.
Additionally, the project will examine unsuccessful videos to understand what factors may have prevented them from achieving their desired level of engagement. The results of this study will provide valuable insights for content creators seeking to produce high-quality, engaging programming tutorials on YouTube, and may also inform the development of recommendation algorithms that can help viewers discover relevant and valuable videos. Ultimately, the project will contribute to the ongoing effort to improve the quality and accessibility of software engineering/programming tutorials, making it easier for people to learn and grow in this field.
Keywords: Computer Science, YouTube tutorials