Research Symposium

23rd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 6, 2023

Benjamin Tirado Garcia Poster Session 4: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm/ Poster #58



Benjamin Garcia is an undergraduate first-year at Florida State University. From Coral Springs, FL, Benjamin is majoring in economics and political science. He started his research journey whilst in high school, earning the AP Capstone diploma. A member of the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program and the University Honors program at FSU, Benjamin likes to be academically challenged and involved.

How Have Streaming Companies’ Marketing Efforts Responded to the Growing Hispanic Population in the United States?

Authors: Benjamin Tirado Garcia, Sindy Chapa, Ph.D.
Student Major: Economics, Political Science
Mentor: Sindy Chapa, Ph.D.
Mentor's Department: Center for Hispanic Marketing Communication
Mentor's College: College of Communication & Information


Hispanics' economic impact in the U.S. of $2.7 trillion has attracted companies' interest, specifically those of the entertainment industry (Hamilton et al.). Hispanics in the U.S. lead all ethnic groups in percentage streaming when on TV at 43.6%, and more than half at 58% are under the age of 34. Compared to the 42% of non-hispanic whites (Nielsen). This has caused streaming platforms to not only create content for hispanic audiences in the U.S., but to invest in quality products and marketing campaigns. Netflix spent $200 million in the 2020 fiscal year in order to produce content in Mexico alone, an amount that is expected to continue to grow (Faughnder). Streaming company Hulu even included a ‘Hispanic & Latinx Stories’ hub on their platform. Adding content praised by the hispanic community such as The Valet and Vida. They have not been the only ones to receive praise, Netflixs’ Mucho Mucho Amor: The Legend of Walter Mercado has also seen positive reviews. But what has driven their successful marketing campaigns? We found that increase in budget for minor hispanic films and series has increased revenues and propelled the creation of new hispanic content.

How Have Streaming Companies’ Marketing Efforts Responded to the Growing Hispanic Population in the United States.png

Keywords: Hispanics, Marketing, Entertainment, Statistics, and Economics.