Research Symposium

23rd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 6, 2023

Jake Nilsson He/Him Poster Session 1: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm/ Poster #367

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I'm Jake Nilsson, a Computer Science student who grew up in Deerfield Beach, FL. I enjoy puzzles (I can solve Rubik's cubes and play chess, albeit infrequently), music (listening - and when I have time, creating), programming, and reading in my free time!

Positive and Negative Qualities in Computer Science YouTube Tutorials: A Review of Current Research

Authors: Jake Nilsson, Sonia Haiduc
Student Major: Computer Science
Mentor: Sonia Haiduc
Mentor's Department: Computer Science
Mentor's College: Arts and Sciences


Computer Science is a field that is constantly and rapidly evolving alongside new technology - and those working in the field must grow with it. To broaden their scope on pre-existing content or learn new material, many in the industry turn to YouTube video tutorials. This increased demand creates variable outcomes: some videos may teach effectively and lead to high quality products, while other videos may be ineffective and cause poor results. While previous research has taken place regarding multimedia learning, research where that multimedia is used for Computer Science has yet to be created. With this project, our mentor attempts to fill this gap by using previous research and collected data to illuminate the positive and negative qualities of a Computer Science YouTube tutorial. The results of this study could be used to improve the overall quality of Computer Science tutorials and subsequently improve the quality of the work produced from programmers watching them.

Positive and Negative Qualities in Computer Science Youtube Tutorials A Review of Current Research.png

Keywords: YouTube, Tutorials, Computer Science, Education, Learning