Research Symposium

23rd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 6, 2023

Carolina Sena she/her Poster Session 1: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm/ Poster #102



I was born and raised in Brazil, but I have lived in Miami since 2017. I aspire to become a well-known, successful CEO as I continue my education as a business student pursuing a dual degree in Accounting and Finance at Florida State University. My areas of interest include executive, management, controlling, operations, and investments within the sports business. However, I enjoy indulging in different opportunities across various business fields to expand my overall knowledge, reflected in my collaboration with this insightful insurance exchange project.

An Evaluation of the Affordability of ACA Health Insurance Exchange Coverage

Authors: Carolina Sena, Patricia Born
Student Major: Accounting and Finance
Mentor: Patricia Born
Mentor's Department: Risk Management and Insurance
Mentor's College: College of Business


The Affordable Care Act established state-level marketplaces where individuals could obtain health insurance coverage. This project will evaluate the performance of these state marketplaces after ten years of operation. My research peers and I have compared differences across states in various characteristics, such as enrollment and health plan competition. We have developed a repository for research literature that addresses multiple outcomes of these mechanisms and a visual representation of such findings. Our main objective was to identify features associated with the success of the marketplaces in providing health insurance and, consequently, necessary healthcare services to the population.

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Keywords: ACA, insurance, premium, issuers, exchange