Research Symposium

23rd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 6, 2023

Andrew Glennon Poster Session 2: 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm/ Poster #28

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I am an ambitious, driven Junior studying Finance. I am a part of the Florida State Honors College and the Seneff Honors Program. I am involved in numerous activities here on campus including, but not limited to, Securities Society, Financial Management Association, and the National Association of Business Economics. I am originally from the Midwest and enjoy golfing, options trading, and reading. I have a passion for traveling and learning about different cultures.

Landing That Job: A Study of Communication Graduates, Contacts, and Careers

Authors: Andrew Glennon, Kelly Kelly
Student Major: Finance
Mentor: Kelly Kelly
Mentor's Department: School of Communications
Mentor's College: College of Communications and Information Systems
Co-Presenters: Holly Zheng, Noah Kunkel, Deniz Toksoz


The time period following college graduation marks a significant transition in an individual’s life and often involves searching for full-time employment. Beyond simply finding a job at all, an important aspect of someone’s job search involves finding a career that they love. By reviewing literature in the field and conducting interviews with recent college graduates, this project defines what is considered to be a “great job” and examines the factors that lead to success in securing one. The factors explored fall into four areas: academic performance, extracurricular activities, networking, and internships or part-time employment. Participants were selected using a purposive sampling method (all were graduates of Florida State University’s School of Communication) and were asked a series of questions regarding their satisfaction with their current job, involvements in their undergraduate career, and what they thought helped them stick out to employers the most. Our findings consistently showed that internship experience provided the most relevant experience for their respective career paths and was also viewed as the most important area (of those studied) for landing a job.


Keywords: Marketing, Jobs, Communication