Research Symposium

23rd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 6, 2023

Lauren Reder Poster Session 3: 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm/ Poster #297



I am a second-year student planning to graduate this summer, 2023. I am going to complete my master's in Clinical and Mental Health Counseling here at FSU College of Education over the next two years and I plan to focus my research on non-traditional approaches to therapy. I specifically want to research early-life trauma and family-related trauma, and how those experiences can affect a person later on in life. I expect to apply to Doctoral programs upon the completion of my Master's and open up a private practice.

Sexual Scripts and Affirmative Consent

Authors: Lauren Reder, Jordan Marshall
Student Major: Psychology
Mentor: Jordan Marshall
Mentor's Department: Marriage and Family Therapy
Mentor's College: College of Health and Human Sciences


This pilot study includes a sample from the emerging adult demographic and tests a series of hypotheses that investigate the relationship between social/sexual script use and adherence to affirmative consent standards. Specifically, this study aimed to distinguish between the general tendency to use scripts and the use of a particular script (Traditional Social Exchange Ideology). Exploratory analyses were also run regarding attitudes toward hooking up. There were two statistically significant findings from this research: A negative direct relationship between Traditional Social Exchange Ideology and Affirmative Consent Adherence and a positive, direct relationship between Cognitive Flexibility and Affirmative Consent Adherence.

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Keywords: Script, Consent, Hookup, Cognitive flexibility, Social Exchange