Research Symposium

22nd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium

Riley Murray she/her Poster Session 4: 12:30 - 1:15/Poster #56

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My name is Riley Murray and I am from Orlando, Florida. I am a first-year student majoring in Music Therapy at Florida State University. I became connected to the Rosenstrasse Foundation through an Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program, with this year marking the beginning of my involvement.

Remembering the Rosenstrasse Protest

Authors: Riley Murray, Liam Wirsansky
Student Major: Music Therapy
Mentor: Liam Wirsansky
Mentor's Department: Department of History
Mentor's College: Florida State University
Co-Presenters: Angelina Khoja


When learning about World War II, the associations that arise are the horrific events of the Holocaust, along with countless stories of the cruelty of the German government. Though many have heard of the violent actions that occurred during this period, not many know of the moments of courage and light spurned by love and rebellion against oppression. This research project focuses on advocating for the mission of the Rosenstrasse Foundation, as it strives to bring awareness through education, emphasizing acts of civil courage, such as those of the women who participated in the Rosenstrasse protest of 1943. One method of research, genealogy, involves the investigation of possible identities of protestors by locating past documents on various platforms. Birth certificates, marriage certificates, and family trees are utilized to confirm the presence of the individuals at the protest. Through genealogical research, biographies on individuals connected to the protest, that were intermarried Germans or displayed acts of civil courage are presented on a public website. Here, descendants of protestors can learn more about their family members involved, the website acting as a hub for information that advocates for the community's education. Another primary focus was updating, where articles were edited to ensure the accuracy of the information available on the Rosenstrasse Protest. The research for this project gives a voice to those otherwise silenced by the weight of the violence and suffering of WWII, providing an example of the strength the public has when they unite towards a common goal.

Keywords: Rosenstrasse Protest, Civil Courage,