Research Symposium

23rd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 6, 2023

Grace Robins Poster Session 4: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm/ Poster #191

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I am from St Augustine, Florida and am currently pursuing a Political Science major with a double major in International Affairs and a minor in Psychology. After graduating I am interested in International work or becoming a professor.

Webcam Norms in Education

Authors: Grace Robins, Vanessa Dennen
Student Major: Political Science and International Affairs
Mentor: Vanessa Dennen
Mentor's Department: Educational Psychology and Learning Systems
Mentor's College: Instructional Systems and Learning Technologies


Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic, webcams within schools have become more and more popular. While webcams have been used before the pandemic, there has been a high spike in usage of webcams ever since, whether that is with work, school, organizational meetings, etc. The study, ‘Webcams in Educational Settings’, focuses on how webcams change the classroom settings and affect the learning of students. The study investigates through surveys online and over Zoom how students feel about learning online and over webcams. Furthermore, the study researches what affects students' learning and attention focus, such as the camera having to be on or off, along with going into the norms that there may be with Zoom, and how they differ from an in-person classroom. We plan to further explore webcams in educational settings by going into the data analysis and doing full text reviews to assess the answers and responses we have gotten so far.

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Keywords: webcam, zoom, norms, education