Research Symposium

23rd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 6, 2023

Leah Livin She/her Poster Session 4: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm/ Poster #376



My name is Leah Livin and I am a first year Florida State University student from New York City. I am currently a biology major on a pre-veterinary tract. I am part of the pre-veterinary club, animal society, enginFSU, slavic student association, member of the ritual committee in hillel, and part of the honors program at FSU. My current research for the undergraduate research opportunity program has been with Dr. McQuerry. In our research we analyzed the difference in range of motion fire fighters experienced among different turnout suits. I hope to continue my research career throughout the duration of college.

Turnout Gear Affect on Fire Fighters Range of Motion

Authors: Leah Livin, Dr. Meredith McQuerry
Student Major: Biology
Mentor: Dr. Meredith McQuerry
Mentor's Department: Textile Testing & Performance Measurement
Mentor's College: Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship
Co-Presenters: Robert Wilson


Firefighters are essential workers with an extremely important role in our society. Despite their crucial role in our society, their work conditions are not always safe. Many firefighters experience work-related injuries that can be partially attributed to the bulkiness and weight of their turnout gear. The purpose of this study was to analyze the differences in range of motion in the shoulder, elbow, hip, and knee, between three different sets of turnout suits (coat and pants). There were ten firefighters (eight males and two females) that participated in this study to test their range of motion and perception of restrictiveness in the four mentioned regions of each suit. Every firefighter that participated in the study went through the same range of motion exercises in the same conditions in order to keep consistent data. Each firefighter was of a different height and weight, which provides a more realistic account of the general firefighter population. Based on preliminary data analysis, slight differences are evident in the average range of motion between each suit. These differences could help improve the ergonomics in future suits with the goal of advancing the overall safety of firefighters while in their line of duty.


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Keywords: Ergonomics Firefighters Turnout Gear Mobility